Science Darwin

In the essay On the Uncertainty of Science written by Lewis Thomas in 1980 the main focus is on the human species and the evolving science around them. The author explains that over the past three hundred years science has changed a lot. New information is gathered each day, therefore science is unpredictable. It keeps changing, shifting, revising and discovering. Humans play a big role in this constant change because unlike other species humans have developed language. Language is one thing that sets us apart from other species and it is something we are good at. Thomas points out that we are a young and juvenile a species and that we have just arrived on the earth by evolutionary standards of time. This means that there is a lot more we need to learn, we also have responsibilities on the earth so it is important to know that we matter. Part of the learning we need to achieve can only be done through science. We need to possess comprehension of nature in order to ensure our long survival. The author mentions that some feel that we should forget about science and go back to living in nature but it is to late for that because of the fast growing population. As humans we continue to struggle to be useful on this earth but Thomas expresses faith in our species and believe we can accomplish a lot with the use of our brains.

In his essay the author says, Our place in the life of the world is still unfathomable because we have so much to learn, but it is surely not absurd. (Thomas p. 305) This is an important statement because even thought out species is the youngest we are uniquely capable of many things other species are not. It is our job to be responsible thinkers. Thomas writes that it is our responsibility if we can help it to avoid damage to the rest of life. Today we are doing our best to protect the planet and other species that are endangered but perhaps we have realized to late that it is our responsibility to do so. As the author writes it is a very complicated problem. The reason it is so complicated is because there are many different factors that affect this problem such as the growing population and limited resources.

Even thought the human species faces many challenges Thomas writes, There is no hope of thinking out way through the quandary except by learning more, and part of the learning (not all of it, mind you, but a good part) can only be achieved by science. (Thomas p. 306) This quote was very enlightening. Often we wonder why is science so important for us. Science combines the use of observation, intuition, theory, hypothesis, experimentation and analysis. It is our way of observing the world around us. All of us can benefit by being taught at least the most basic of these science skills. Few other subjects will have as wide application in ones career. There are certain things we need to be able to comprehend in order to survive and through science we can achieve this.

Thomas explained that there are still people today that believe that we should go back to the simple life and live in nature and with nature. However just like the author explained I understand that it is wishful thinking and much to late for humans to do this. The fact that the world’s population will may double in our lifetime is a disturbing thought and I feel many are struggling to comprehend.