Rare Tropical Fruit Species Mamey Sapote

The Mamey fruit is a type of Sapote that  is native to Guatemala and Mexico.  Today it is enjoying a newfound popularity all over the world. It is almost as sweet and smooth as custard, and it is considered a great choice for fruit lovers.

The Mamey is kin to all Sapote tropical trees.  The trees come in several varieties of red, white and black.  The fruit is thick and fleshy and well known as chocolate fruit, pudding fruit and even custard fruit.  Because of its taste and health benefits, Mamey is coveted by those who wish to eat healthy substitutes for fat, sugar and caffeine that are so commonly found in chocolate, dairy and pudding products. But it is not just a winner for those trying to lighten their caloric intake.

Nutritionists have learned that Sapote, or Mamey,  is best when it turns from a light green to an ugly, but perfectly ripe, dirty brown. When the outside texture turns somewhat leathery, the fruit is mature. This indicates the inside is well ripened, smooth, and ready to eat.

The fist-sized fruit of the Sapote is also high in fiber and low in fat.  It contains about 200 calories and  has no saturated or trans fat.  It has almost thirty milligrams of important immune-boosting antioxidants. It is rich in potassium, recommended for diets that need this without the health costs of too much salt.  It also offers significant amounts of calcium for those who wish to add to their calcium intake without adding a lot more fat and calories.

The Mamey is also prized because it is easy to grow, easy to harvest and lends itself to so much cooking versatility. Made into desserts and smoothies, or added to juice, the Mamey will enhance with its smooth,  pudding-like texture and  the mildly evocative chocolate flavor.

The Mamey, as mentioned,  is related to the also-popular Black Sapote.  The trees, although native to Mexico and Guatemala, have made the journey with far-flung farmers all around mid- and Central America.  They are also cultivated in the Dominican Republic, the Philippines and many parts of Florida and Hawaii in the United States.  Trees grow up to eight meters, providing a wide and luxurious evergreen canopy that adds beauty and habitat for beneficial birds and insects attractive to gardens.