Psychology of Survival Tips of the United Stated States Army

In recent years, new technologies are increasingly entering the drawing up of equipment and equipment for survival in extreme conditions. For people interested in long trips and adventures in the wild, there are offered a huge range of specialist information, advices, tools, clothing, special food to help the existence in a hostile environment.

However, experience is the best teacher in extreme situations and the correct reactions to your survival depends on your knowledge. If you had an unexpected accident or disaster it is very likely you have not equipped properly (then you have to improvise for shelter, clothing, weapons), but if you have a backpack and you are an experienced traveler you don’t have an excuse if you don’t have proper clothes to wear or faulty equipment.

Always keep in consideration that there is nothing which can’t happen to you. Those who are mentally and physically prepared to survive are more likely to do so. To deal with emergency situations you must be able to make decisions, to remain calm and to improvise.

* Fear – for anyone faced with a situation of survival, fear is a normal, natural reaction. If no measures are taken for control and suppression, the fear is usually followed by panic which is the main threat to your survival.

After that comes the rest of the “killers”: pain, cold, thirst, hunger, fatigue, boredom, loneliness. It is extremely important from the outset to assess the situation calmly and not allow these seven enemies to prevail. Do not lie down and die, motivate and activate.

* Pain – Pain can often be forgotten in a panic situation. If you concentrate on certain tasks it is easier to overcome than if you lie and think only of the pain. Be sure to deal with injuries before they intensify and become more serious.

* Cold – cold reduces the ability to think, it slows blood circulation and reduces the desire for survival. Never let yourself stop to move, unless you are adequately protected by it. Seek immediate shelter and light a fire.

* Thirst – like the cold, it could blur the mind. It is important to keep the amount of fluid intake constant. If there is a shortage of water, do not take unnecessary food. It is important to slowly carry out activities without sweating.

* Hunger – Hunger is dangerous but seldom deadly. In the starvation you may be observing weight loss, dizziness, increased sensitivity to cold, pain and fear, but the truth is that it takes a lot of time to die from hunger.

* Fatigue – it is inevitable in many  situations and it can cause lethargy, feelings of helplessness, and negative mental attitudes. Important for survival is to rest enough and not to overload the organism.

* Boredom and loneliness – those enemies are often quite unexpected and may reduce the ability of the mind to cope with the situation.

Tips of the US army

Personal qualities necessary for a successful exit from a situation of survival:

* Ability to focus the mind;
* Ability to improvise;
* Ability to live with youself;
* Ability to adapt to a situation;
* Ability to maintain composure;
* Ability to be optimistic, while at the same time prepare for the worst;
* Ability to realize your own fears and ability to cope with them and overcome them;

Upon the occurrence of an accident, disaster or an unforeseen situation, it is essential to formulate a plan of action and survival. Rely on yourself, not the people around you. When assessing the situation weigh all the positive and negative sides of your surroundings. The most important priorities for survival must be shelter, fire and water. When you draw up the plan, the basic decision that you must take is whether to go or to stay in one place. If you decide to go you should be aware that you may hamper the work of the rescue services while searching. You will also spend a lot more calories and energy and probably you will not be better protected from the nature elements. If you decide to move you must determine:

* The direction in which you will move;
* Method of adherence to the chosen course;
* Program for how long will be the daily transitions;
* Methods to alert rescuers;

On the other hand, if you can stand in one place, your plan should include:

* Preparation of the signaling system;
* Location of the camp and kind of permanent shelter;
* Identifying the water source;

Food supply;
The next stage of this situation involves the acquisition of skills and knowledge that will help you deal with the survival. These are: construction of a shelter, lighting and maintenance of fire techniques, moving in a specific area, providing food and others.