Preparing for a Hurricane

Hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. For those who reside in the hurricane paths, this period can be rather stressful and challenging. Without a clear plan of action and preparation, one can become panic stricken and anxious. In order to put your mind at ease, and survive a hurricane, it is imperative that the following steps are taken. These steps will ensure the security and safety of property, but, most importantly, lives.

Before the hurricane season begins:

* Do see that your home insurance is up-to-date. And, if you reside in a flood prone area, think about buying flood insurance.

* If you reside on a property with overhanging trees and other vegetation, perhaps it is best to trim or cut extened limbs and discard safely as these could become missles during a hurricane.

* Do install hurricane shutters on windows and doors.

* Do secure personal properties, (e.g. insurance papers, travel documents, credit cards, cash, etc.) in a safe. This can be purchased any any hardware store.

* Do keep a stash of cash on hand as sometimes, after a storm, the ATM machines may cease working.

* Fill extra orders for prescription drugs as transportaion could be affected for days.


First-aid kit (do include band-aid, gauze, cotton pads, alcohol, insect bite medications, aspirins, etc.)

Generator (will aid in providing power for TV/refrigerator and even computer to keep in touch with outside world). Do bear in mind the safety recommendations in usage. Avoid running generator in garage as carbon-monoxide poison can kill.

Flashlights and batteries of different sizes

Battery operated radio in order to receive updates during/after storm.

Stationery phone (cordless phone normally loses power shortly after the electricity goes)


BBQ grill (propane/charcoal) with side burner for your cooking needs

Chainsaw (handy in clearing trees for safe navigation after storms before help arrive)

Igloos for preservation and cooling of foods and drinks

Buckets for bathroom and kitchen (necessary to store water for cleaning/washing/flusing of toilets)

Clorine Bleach (a few drops will help to purify when cleaning or washing)

Bicycle (an excellent back-up mode of transportation as after a storm gas supplies can be out for weeks)


Before a hurricane hits, it is vital that sufficient water is stored for each member of the family. A quantity of two (2) cases of (20) oz. bottles per person for a week is a good rule of thumb.

Cook all raw meats and place in the freezer. Turn the temperatures to the highest range, and set extra ice. This can keep foods fresh for a few days after power is interupted.

Buy and store non perishable foods such as, canned fish (tuna/salmon/sardine), beans, canned soups, dried milk and cereal, etc.


The elderly can become very depressed during and after an on coming hurricane. If you have a family member who is disabled or suffer from chronic illnesses, it is imperative that you seek alternate dewelling in case you have to evacuate your premises. This may mean that you have to place them in a center that is equipped to their special needs. Perhaps, you need to order extra portable oxygen if patient has breathing problems.


It is vital that you decide beforehand if you will evacuate if needs be. Do inform family members and friends where you will be. However, if you and your family decide to “ride-out” the storm, do designate a safe room within your home. This room should have no windows or exterior doors. Also, take along mattress, radio with extra batteries and, of course, enough food and water to last up to twelve (12) hours.

The preparation for a hurricane can be a stressful experience and even cause anxiety attacks in many. However, implementing the above steps and others can provide some form of control and peace of mind. Moreover, information and guidelines on preparing for a hurricane can be had from your local Health Department and Emergency Response Center.



Operation Mail Drop (Hurricane Readiness List)