Meltdown Reduce Pollution Globally Make use of Renewable Sources of Energy Stop Meltdown Glaciers

The melting of the Greenland Glaciers is not something which has happened all of a sudden, it is a problem which has been increasingly been ignored up to a point where ecologists and responsible government leaders are crying for help on this problem. The glaciers are melting because of, as we all are aware, the global temperature on earth keeps on rising. This rise in global temperature will have several negative impacts in the future if these glaciers keep on melting. Many small islands are under the threat of being submerged by the rising sea level. Keeping all these problems in consideration, appropriate and very down to earth programs have to be established to help fight the melt-down of those glaciers.

As matter of fact, the ozone layer has already been damaged and this damage is irreversible, so care should be taken not to damage it even more thereby helping the Greenland Glaciers to melt even faster. All countries should become sensible enough to help fight against pollution which affects the atmosphere and help reduce gas emission: carbonic gas (exhaust of cars, giant factories among many others). Populations of big economies who consume resources massively should be aware that when these resources are consumed, they are bound to be high waste and also how should they dispose of those waste.

Another possibility is the shift to renewable sources of energy; this needs to be a high priority as the alternative sources of energy which are non-polluting or even less polluting are here and need to be used effectively to reduce the pollution level globally. The production of electricity which is mainly powered by nuclear plants, thermal plants need to be substituted with other energy sources; energy collected from the sun is very efficient as it can be converted to electricity without much pollution associated to it, there is also wind power which is here to be exploited as a major new source of energy. Even though wind power is used in certain countries, its use is still very limited as there are very high investment costs which are associated to it. Locations which are ideally situated in high altitude zones must make use of their major wind power to capitalize massively and generate much electricity as compared to regions where the use of wind power to produce electricity is very low.

As new methods of energy production are being made available, major parties should be more wiling to try them out in order to remain ecological and thereby affect the environment in a less consequent manner.