Manic Episode

Mood Disorders-Manic Phase

Bi-polar seems very misunderstood. Some without the disorder are frightened by the manic phase and some with the disorder enjoy the creative and energetic boost available during the phase. In other cases, some view the disorder as not handicapping because of the high functioning of individuals because the manic phase appears as highly productive.

Definition of the Manic Phase

The Manic phase is the phase of the disordered marked by rapid thought and energetic patterns.  Frequently the individual does not sleep for days and cannot sit down.  It can cause problems within the individual sphere of influence because others cannot keep up with him or her.

Artists claim this is when they are most creative, but at the same time, it comes with a little disconnecting from reality. Many manic people claim a distrust of their own thoughts during this period and need to examine the decisions made during this phase with a filter. If an individual distrusts his or her own feelings during this period, there might warrant some justification for fearing individuals during the manic stage. This does not justify extreme measures, shooting to death, but the need to get trained individuals available when the manic phase has gone beyond the control of the individual.

As Dangerous Depression

Some think depression is more serious because the individual may commit suicide bur the manic phase can cause errors in judgment. These errors in judgment can cause reckless behavior, which could cause the death of individual that would not have occurred without the impaired thought patterns.

In other ways, they might make decisions that will place others at risk or put them in conflict with society. This can make them appear as sociopathic when in reality they were experiencing a manic stage that temporarily impaired judgment. They may appear as a person who understands fully right from wrong and might view the behaviors as wrong when the mood stabilizes while sociopath’s perception of the perception of behavior remain unchanged or she might know society views the behavior as wrong but find a benefit for oneself and justifies it. The mood of the bipolar may change and reflect on decisions made at this time.

Dual Period

Many bi-polar individuals move into the depressed state with the energy level from the manic state. If the energy level of the manic stage does not dissipate prior to transition to depress state, the desire to act remains. This creates a manic depressed state. This can offer a dangerous point of time for the individual. They can reflect on the behavior during the manic state from the point of view of depression. Now they are depressed and feeling forced to accept the consequences of the manic stage and have the energy level to act. Most in a depressed state have diminished energy level and anyone would think a manic stage would exhaust the individual, but sometimes and natural consequence would be an exhausted depressive state. Sometimes the brain acts faster than the body and the mood exist together.

Unfortunately, the manic end of the bi-polar disorder derived the word maniac. This is a phase when the person needs as much care as when depressed.