Is Time Real or an Illusion

In order to understand why the writer believes that time is illusionary it will be important to consider how time, as a factor, is used in the process of determining speed. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of light which consequently becomes a universal constant in the mathematics of space travel. If the speed of light is a constant, then time although it may vary between different time frames, is real and not illusionary. However, if the special theory of relativity can be demonstrated to be a theory limited to classical physics, then it is possible that quantum theory can open up new insights into time and explain how, from a theoretical viewpoint, it is possible to exceed the speed of light.

The writer’s own research into the quantum wave function (y), suggests that the velocity of y may not only exceed the speed of light, but may be infinite under certain conditions. Based on a formula developed by deBroglie, the velocity of the quantum wave function between two paired electrons would be superluminal even though these electrons may be moving away from each other at up to 50% of the speed of light. The velocity of y between macro objects like spaceships, planets and galaxies traveling at relatively slower speeds, could be 10 8 (one hundred million) times the speed of light c, or even higher (see subsequent calculations).

For all objects, from the minute to the very large, the wavelength (l) and the frequency (f) of the quantum wave function may be calculated using a combination of deBroglie and Einstein:

The following mathematical reasoning is used to explain the writer’s argument:

From Einstein’s equation: E = hf (E = energy, f = frequency and h = Planck’s constant), it follows by simple transposition that:

f = E/h.

Also from Eistein et al we have:

l = h/p (l = wavelength, p = momentum)
p = mv (m = mass, v = velocity)
l = h/mv


f = E/h


E = mc2 (c = velocity of light) * note the deliberate combination of two derivations of energy which the writer believes to be highly significant.


f = mc2/h


v (y) (the velocity of y) = lf (wavelength x frequency)

Then by substition in a previous equation above,

v (y) =h/mv / mc2/h

v (y) = c2/v (p) note p stands for particle in this instance. v (p) equals velocity of particle


v (y) x v (p) = c2 (deBroglie)

The deBroglie formula predicts that the velocity of the quantum wave function y, v (y), times the velocity of the macro particle, v (p), equals c2 (velocity of light squared). Thus particles have a wave function y that can be described in terms of wavelength, frequency and velocity. In macro particles y, the quantum wave, contains large amounts of information which in accordance with de Broglie may be transmitted faster than light.

According to the writer, consciousness is the phenomenon we associate with the reduction of the quantum wave, the moment when potential becomes actual, when virtual becomes real, when quantum becomes classical. Consciousness over arches the quantum and classical levels (states) and produces the mental state evidenced by qualia (the redness of the color red, emotions such as love and hate – Chalmers). It may prove impossible to measure, or quantify consciousness, since successful attempts to measure the quantum wave function reduces, or collapses, the quantum wave function. Expressed in in an alternative way: the pulse of virtual particles changes into classical particles.

The following mathematical reasoning is used to further explain the writer’s argument:

The reduction, or collapse, of the wave function y changes the frequency (f) of y, in a way similar to the way in which the frequency of reflected light is changed by absorption and re-emission (greenhouse effect).

E = hf (from previous)

If f is reduced then E is reduced and E defaults to an electromagnetic wave (photon) associated with an electron.

Also, if the frequency is reduced then the velocity of y is reduced (to the velocity of light)

V (y) = lf
V (y) = c

This explains why the Special Theory of Relativity, which limits the velocity of space vehicles to less than the speed of light, operates only within the realm of classical physics. At the quantum level, time as we generally understand it ceases to exist. Which is the ultimate reality, Classical or Quantum? An exciting argument worthy of further research.