
Inventors and their inventions have been improving life since man learned how to create fire. We become so used to our lives that we forget about the inventions that improve our world. For example, thanks to the wonders of contained electricity, computers and the Internet, you can read something on the Internet moments after it is written. Have you ever stopped to think about the richness certain inventions have added to your life? Can you imagine life without…


With the invention of the steam engine, movement across the country began. As families moved away, inventors continued improving modes of transportation. Today, cars, trucks and vans fill the interstates while ships steam across the ocean; trains rumble down the tracks and airplanes fly through friendly skies. Life without transportation, as we know it today, would totally change the way we live our lives.


When electricity was brought into homes, life changed. With lights in the home, people no longer headed for bed as soon as the sun was set. The useful hours in the day increased. Music, television and other forms of entertainment enrich our lives but the greatest benefits don’t entertain. Food storage and the ability to heat and cool our homes definitely make life better. 


We can thank Alexander Graham Bell for getting the ball rolling but it hasn’t stopped moving yet. In today’s fast paced world, the telephone has moved on to the cell phone which is changing into an all-encompassing machine that hooks you up for text, photos, the Internet and more. The world is hooked together as never before as it has become easier and easier to reach out and touch someone.


For pleasure or for work, the Internet has changed the way we communicate. It has changed the way we get our news and it has made instant access to information a fact. Teens have never been without the Internet and it would be hard to imagine how their lives would change if it ever shut down. It has allowed people to work from home, start their own business, find long lost friends and keep in touch with loved ones, near and far.


On your porch, in your bed, at your desk or over at the coffee shop, thanks to wireless capabilities, you can remain hooked up with your lifeline, the Internet. The invention of wireless computers and telephones have made it possible for us to live on the road, connecting with work, home and friends. There are few places that do not have wireless access, but those gaps are rapidly closing.


From the old film camera to the modern digital camera, the ability to capture the moment, to share it with generations to come, is a wonderful thing. As with cell phones, the camera is constantly evolving, giving us better images, great memories than every before. The instant gratification of the digital camera allows us to keep trying until we get the perfect shot or, when taken through our cell phones, lets us share a moment, regardless of how grainy the shot, with our friends and family.

Social networks

It is said that Facebook is the largest country in the world! The truth is, the social network has changed many elements about our lives, some good and some not so good. While some us social networks to share their every thought and everything that goes on in their personal world, the networks have also enabled people to connect, businesses to grow and our small world to expand beyond the boundaries of an individual’s known world. We love to hate them, but the invention of social networks has definitely impacted our lives.


From aspirin to insulin, the invention of modern medicine has increased and improved our lifespan. Terrible diseases are now controlled or eliminated through the power of medicine. As research continues, this type of invention will continue to be a mainstay in the list of world’s greatest inventions.

There are so many wonderful inventions that have improved our lives. From bi-focal lens to laser machines, the list would go on and on for miles. Isn’t it wonderful to live in a time when all these inventions are a part of our lives and not just for future generations?