Hurricane Plan

Don’t be taken unawares by hurricanes. If you live somewhere that is at all likely to be hit by this summer then you should make a hurricane plan.  Being prepared for the worst helps you avoid the worst ravages of extreme weather. 

It is easiest to plan in three stages.  First should be a list of things that need to be done in advance.  These include: 

1: Hurricane proofing your house.  

The time to install sturdy shutters, and secure your roof is not when you hear a hurricane warning.  There won’t be time so hurricane proof your home as much as possible well before the hurricane season. 

2: Laying in supplies. 

Hurricanes can close roads so lay in necessities now.  You need a supply of non-perishable foods, water (empty bottles will do, just remember to fill them up when you hear a hurricane warning), a first aid kit, at least two weeks worth of essential medications, and a battery operated radio to keep you informed if the power goes out. 

Then you need a list of things to do when you know a hurricane is on its way.  These are: 

1: Turn the electricity off if there is a risk of flooding.  Electricity and water make a very dangerous combination so don’t take the risk. 

2: Put everything that can be blown by hurricanes inside.  This includes garbage cans, bicycles, gardening equipment, and anything else that is lying around loose.  These can cause tremendous damage to property once a hurricane gets hold of them. 

3: Close the shutters on your windows. 

4: If your plan is to go, or there is a recommendation to evacuate then do this now.  Take those supplies with you. 

5: Otherwise get everybody inside, including pets.  Outdoor livestock need to be locked in secure shelters.  You should stay on ground level, preferably in a windowless room. 

The final part of your plan should be a list of things to do after the hurricane has passed.  The damage will result in a number of things to be careful of, including. 

1:  Contaminated water. 

This is a result of flooding and pipes being damaged.  Do not drink any tap water unless you have been informed it is safe.  You should also take care with food, especially that stored in a freezer or refrigerator.  It is generally best to stick to non-perishables until things are back to normal. 

2:  Loose wiring 

Watch out for loose or broken cables inside and out.  Electrocution is a serious risk and kills people every year. 

3:  Dangerous roads 

Hurricanes can spread debris all over roads not to mention cause flooding.  This makes driving a dangerous activity and should be avoided when at all possible. 

Chances are the worst won’t happen but you need to be prepared just in case.  Formulate your hurricane plan now rather than leave it till the last minute.  For more resources check the numerous websites with further useful information such as: 
