Human Organ Systems and their Function

The human body is made up of several organ systems that work together to keep the body healthy and functioning efficiently. Each of these systems can be broken down into specific parts, with each part playing a unique role in the homeostasis of the body.

The cardiovascular and circulatory systems are comprised of the heart, blood vessels and blood. The blood transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells within the body and carries away wastes and toxins. The blood moves through the body by way of blood vessels that form a continuous loop within the body. The heart’s pumping action is responsible for the movement of the blood within the blood vessels.  These two systems work together to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function.

The digestive system is responsible for breaking down the foods eaten into usable nutrients. It is also the role of the digestive tract to break down and remove wastes and by products the body cannot use. The digestive system is made up of many components that work together to break down our foods. The stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas and small and large intestine all play vital roles in the digestion of the foods we eat.

The body’s endocrine system involves the production and utilization of hormones that work to regulate the body’s main functions. The adrenal and thyroid glands help to maintain metabolism, while the hormones produced by the ovaries and testes in the reproductive system regulate sexual desire and many of the sexual reactions within the body.

The integumentary system is made up of the skin, hair and finger nails. The skin acts as a barrier and protects our internal organs. It also aids in temperature regulation by sweating in the summer and storing fat during the winter. The skin also prevents the body from losing too much water and becoming dehydrated.The lymphatic system is not normally thought of as one of the body’s organ systems. It consists of the spleen, lymph nodes and lymph vessels. These components work together to help the body fight off disease and infection.

Without the body’s muscular system, a person would not be able to move. Along with the support of the skeletal system, our body is stable and can move about on its own volition. The muscle system is comprised of the muscles, tendons and ligaments, while the skeleton supports the body with bones and cartilage.

The nervous system of the body is divided into two major systems. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal column. The peripheral nervous system is comprised of the nerves that are spread throughout the body that send messages and responses between the brain and other parts of the body.

The reproductive system is comprised of the breasts, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina in females and the penis, prostate gland and testes in males. The reproductive system gives human beings the capability of sustaining a pregnancy and giving birth.

The respiratory system includes the lungs, sinuses and bronchial tubes. The lungs are designed to pull oxygen from the air we breathe and release carbon dioxide back into the air. 

The urinary and excretory tracts are responsible for eliminating wastes from the body. The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, bladder and urethra, while the excretory part of the system includes sections of the bowel, rectum and anus. The kidneys filter the liquids in the body, removing wastes and flushing them out through the urine. The excretory system moves undigested material through the body and prepares it for elimination by way of the rectum and anus.

The organ systems within the body work together like an efficient machine. Each part has a specific role to play and relies on the others to maintain health and well being.