How to tell if somebody is Lying

The chances are that you may have told a lie or two today, or at least heard some! We lie for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we lie in-order to protect someone from having hurt feelings and at other times we may lie to protect ourselves.

Other people, obviously not you or I, can sometimes lie in-order to deceive in an unkind manner. It can help us to be able to spot such fraudsters at work so that they don’t get the better of us. So here follows a guide to recognizing such dishonesty.

1. Contrary to the belief of some, lier’s do not necessarily always attempt to avoid eye contact. Although at times they will do so and will find it hard to meet your gaze, at other times the lier will stare directly and intensely into your eyes while telling a porkie as though attempting to project their innocence.

2. Lier’s may cover their mouth whilst speaking as though subconsciously they realize that what they are saying is bad as it is untrue.

They may also place a finger over their lips in-between speech as though silently saying, ‘hush’.

3. When speaking a lier may be inconsistent in what they say, telling you one thing one minute and then changing details the next. This is because they cant remember what they have said and are not speaking from a factual base of knowledge.

4. Some lier’s tend to have an inconsistent tone when speaking. This can help you to spot people who are lying when they are speaking to you via the telephone as well as in face to face situations. Their tone of voice will occasionally rise and may even become a little squeaky now and then before dipping down in scale.

5. A way to tell if a person is lying to you via an informal letter, as well as in other situations, is where they use language which doesn’t flow, where-as they wouldn’t normally do so. An example of this is where a person writes words such as, ‘I am’, instead of I’m, or ‘we are’ instead of we’re. If, however, they always use this style then it doesn’t count.

6. Making excuses for situations and occurrences, especially when they seem lacking in a solid basis, can be an aspect of lying to watch out for.

7. Some lier’s shuffle around and try to distract the person whom they are telling the lie to.

8. Changing the subject when it gets a little too close to facts can also be a factor.

9. Just as some people kiss and run some lier’s fib and run. If someone whom you suspect of lying tries to make a quick getaway after a feeble excuse then this is suspicious behavior. They probably don’t want to stick around too long as it increases their chances of being found out.

10. lastly, consider the motivation of the potential lier. Do they have something to gain from lying to you? If so is this coupled with a few of the above behaviors? If the answer is yes then you may have a lier on your hands.