How to Change a Negative self Image

It’s not easy to look in the mirror and not like who you see. It’s not easy but millions of people continue to do it everyday. These are the same people who mentally abuse and victimize themselves day in and day out. How and why would anyone do this? The answer is simple: they’ve developed a negative self image.

Literally developed. It’s his or her surroundings that alter with a positive thought process. Maybe your family, co-workers, friends, or foes verbally or physically abused you as a child or as an adult and the result was a change in self perspective.

Our words have a bigger impact on people than we think. Our words can truly alter a persons entire personality for the better or the worse.

For example: John at the age of 24 has to get braces, the dentist recommends this. John sees nothing wrong with this and gets them put on, takes his girlfriend out that night, smiles and kisses her, the night goes on, he feels fine.

However the next day at work his co-workers start saying that braces look horrible, that John looks like he’s 13. They call him metal mouth. This bothers John, and each time it’s repeated he grows more insecure about his metal laced teeth . Now he covers his mouth when he laughs and gets self cautious around his girlfriend..

His self image has been altered due to exterior sources.
So how do you reverse a negative blow to your self esteem?

You can do so by changing the way you think.

Firstly, don’t take things so personally. Everyone has an opinion, get to know your opinion and set it in stone. If someone else says something it’s their opinion. There are many things that can be causing the offender to say what they say, so don’t take it personally.

Secondly, don’t assume. So you hear some people whispering as you walk by, so what? Who’s to say you were the topic of discussion? Don’t assume and you won’t take anything personally.

Thirdly, you are what you say you are. If you think you’ve got a great nose, believe it. You like it and that’s what counts.

A persons self image is the stubborn mental picture they have of themselves. Self image is psychological, and therefore, one must develop a positive mental attitude to change it.

The best way to develop a positive mental attitude to change your self image is to change your perspective. Your perspective can completely alter the way you look at the world. Your perspective changes your mood, to determines if what you see will be looked at as ugly or beautiful. This can very much change your entire life, and will certainly change your image..

No one else can fix a negative self image but you. You have control over yourself, that’s a privilege, that’s a gift, use it.