How to become more Balanced

The psychology of balance has a beautiful simplicity about it. Balance, doesn’t concern itself with difficult, scientific theories, and it’s with-in the reach of everyone. Balance, is the key to leading a happy and successful life. You know when your life is out of balance because you feel stressed, over burdened, or unfulfilled. When your life has a healthy dose of balance, you meet each challenge along life’s path with a sense of calm, yet eager anticipation.

Balance itself is when we see things from a wise and level perspective, instead of over, or under reacting to situations. When balanced, we can see both sides of every coin, rather than just one side. We can hold personal beliefs and viewpoints, while still being able to entertain those which are foreign to us.

Much like the pictorial symbol for the astrological sign Libra, a balanced person can weigh up any given situation, in-order to initiate a wise outcome. The ability to empathise enough with other people and respect their point of view, even when at odds with your own, can only come if you have a balanced perspective.

The wisest people on Earth, who have inspired followers throughout history, have all have something in common. They practiced the art of balance. Doing so helped them reach a meditative position, from where they could become knowledgeable enough about psychology, to see the world from an unbiased point of view.

No one can become a wise and balanced guru over night. However, each of us can bring more balance into our own lives by applying balance to more and more situations we encounter each day. When we feel ourselves becoming stressed about something, we can take a deep breath, and begin observing the other side to what’s going on.

Practicing balance means you will have to mentally step into the shoes of others at times, and emotionally experience where they’re coming from. It may mean withholding judgement at times, and listening more to other people, in-order to see the whole picture, rather than the small view right in front of you.

You can practice a meditation to help you achieve balance daily, if you really want to acquire this skill, and integrate it into your world. When sitting quietly, with your eyes closed, picture a blank screen of white, with one single dark blue line across the middle of it, laying horizontally. Project a mental image of yourself onto the screen. See yourself sitting in the lotus position, on the middle line. Then picture a long line of ash above your head, and equally measured, below the line.

By just meditating into this mental picture often, you will begin to feel a sense of calm, and balance. The meditation will help your brain to focus on balance, and attract it in to your life.