How the Atmosphere Helps Earth Keeping it Connected


If we could see Earth’s atmosphere like the astronauts space suits, we would have a very good idea of how it helps our Earth.

Everything within their suit must accommodate for every breath they take, and every regulation adjusted to keep them alive is within it. In this manner our own Earth’s atmosphere could be termed first and foremost, our life line. Like the dome over the astronauts heads, we are wrapped in our own territorial dominion, our bubble of atmospheric reference.

Together with our major Solar and Luna energies within their electromagnetic and polarized form, these interact from the moment they connect with the Thermosphere. The outer layer we refer to as the heat shield, where the infrared rays create a temperature of up to 1, 700 + – Celsius degrees. These rays penetrate right through to the Earth’s core, helping to the keep the furnace of her engine going. It is from this we gain our heat to create warmth in the weather. Outer Space is basically really cold.

Our Solar Light envelopes the atmospherics here, giving light to us and all places on Earth where it shines. Physical phenomenon and reaction within range give us day and night. Life needs this light, for trees and plants through photosynthesis – their breath – which gives back to us in turn.

Circulation is is also produced within the energies we call wind. From all, water is absorbed as well as created within our atmosphere, which we need to live, as much as air to breath. In this our lowest layer called the Troposphere, all weather accumulates. When any moisture is drawn up – which first came from reactions within the atmosphere – the collection of vapor into cloud formation returns to earth as rain.

Like our planet, we ourselves are basically made up of 70% water, so the recycling of this is why the tropics, are the wettest. And proof how much our Earth relies on these tropical zones, to keep her wheels rolling around the equator, from which every spoke of her sphere turns on the Axis of both Poles.

Every chemical reaction between all these connective issues, are what gives us back in turn, everything the atmosphere first gave Earth. There is not one thing on this planet that does not rely on the other, and without our atmospherics, we would not have life as we know it. We have what we can see, and what we can’t. It’s all there for our conditions.

It is our cooler, our heater, our air conditioner; all considerations we even look for in our shelters and homes. And between all the electricity we draw from out of the given elements found in the atmosphere, we are able to create them, in a form of an artificial manner, as equally as our different lightings.

We depend on the Nitrogen giving us our blue skies; and could call this our liquefier within it’s chemical reactions. For all life, for our Earth, it is our atmospheres greatest element of +- 78%. Our Oxygen, (to breath,) makes up +- 21% of our lowest atmosphere around Earth, land, and sea level, in the Biosphere. That is why it is harder to breath the higher we go, plus colder and thinner air, before reaching the Thermosphere. Remember the astronauts suits?

Then there’s Carbon; a most essential role in every living cells life. We could call it our earth’s food source, as Earth stores + – 86% and trees and plant life + – 73% . In our atmosphere it acts like the heart, exchanging through the it’s cycle, as a cleanser of our Earth’s blood; as the carbon dioxide exchange also in our Biosphere level. The most abundant to be recycled and reused. That which is blamed through our abuse, the Ozone Layer, and the green-house Effect, is our neglect and overuse here.

Another noble gas less thought of is Argon. Think of this as a preservative within our atmosphere, keeping us connected to our Energy Spectrum. Linked to the cosmic ray/energy range it is permanently associated with our Cosmos.

Interaction with Helium’s concentration here in our atmosphere is low, but it is mostly abundant within the Earth. Imagine this like a fermentation reactor, which is giving our energized Earth it’s natural goodness in Nuclear ‘Fusions’. It uses the radio-active decay of all things recycled; and like bubbles, rise in the chemical process of ferment.

Helium being such a light gas, rises through our atmosphere, to where we can also see the halo of light gases around our earth. By rising, it escapes back into Space, where it is the most abundant in the Universe. Interaction here gives the stars their light.

So how does the atmosphere help Earth? It gives the Earth and all it’s life forms the energy to live; helps it and everything recycle safely, giving back to all it needs, to be the planet it is. While keeping it connected to the Solar System it belongs to, with all Cosmic relationships in tact;. from even every element not mentioned.

The least we as humans can do, being the guardians of the whole concept of our Earth and it’s atmosphere, is to stop interfering with it’s own abilities. It’s too late for just a quick band aid, to patch up the wounds.