How Scientists Work to Prenvent Disease from Microbes

A good scientist will seek out the offending varmints that cause humaity to suffer the agonies of disease and squash them. He is ever vigilant in delving into the causes of diseases and in making known his discoveries, and is fair in his dealings with his associates and with the public. He never forgets the importance of his mission and never sidesteps moral issues. This, even when he disagrees and when he finds laxity and lack of purpose impeding progress, he never withholds vital information, even though it means his gain will be lessened.

Not everyone has the tenacity for the life of a scientist. Yet, for those that qualify, the field is vast. Even narrowing it down to those who reserve the field of disease detection as their field of study, there are numerous ways and means of finding one’s niche. Nature Magazine, understanding the vastness of the role of the scientists started something called “Method of the Year” 2008.

Subject categories were “biotechnology, Genetics and genomics, microbiology, protein biochemistry, synthetic biology, cell biology, imaging, neuroscience, proteomics, systems biology and chemical biology, immunology, and others as well as stem cells”.

The idea is to get to the best methodology used in this past year. In 2007 the winner was “next generation sequencing”. So, if your knowledge and interest is in this field make you eligible to voice your opinion, check out Nature Magazine and its requirements for sending in description of your particular paper written on the subject.

Biotechnology has many options. It seeks to find practical and everyday uses for biology as well as how to create more and better ways of applying knowledge to the field of disease research.

Genetics and where on the DNA sequence a proclivity for a disease can be found is a new field that may fill a role for many disease detection enthusiasts. This discovery offer hope to disease detection as well as to other causes relative to human involvement.

Cell biology heads the list on those wanting to pinpoint how and where and what of disease processes. In order to know what to expect from certain cells and how they react to such and such invasion tell dedicated scientists much about what to expect from such and such a reaction. When something goes awry or is not acting according to what is thought to be normal, the investigating scientist will seek to know why.

Microbiology is studying microbes that are responsible for each particular disease. Much has already been done in this area and together with genetic sequencing many diseases are being studied in other directions than previously. Microbes are not static and are capable of reacting to intruding scientists and their ways and means of detection and eradication. This has been proved by their resistance to antibiotics. Fighting them back is an important role of the scientist.

Protein biochemistry is an important category for scientist. Since Proteins are the building blocks of cells, understanding their chemical makeup and becoming fluent in how these interactions with certain chemicals forms a vital part of disease detection.

Synthetic biology is an absolute fascinating discovery. Just think, new skin for skin grafts can be grown now and while this may not be exactly what synthetic biology curtails, it is within the same category. Creating with chemicals new bone parts for injured and nonfunctioning joints will also fit under this category. It is a promising role for those who like to keep arms and legs in workable conditions.

Imaging, finding out new and better ways of looking at microbes and other biological behavior within the human body is an ever increasing means of disease detection. Precision is the keyword here. These discoveries make it possible for laser surgery and other unimaginable biological discoveries enhancing disease detection.

Neuroscience and the knowledge of how messages get from the brain to all parts of the body and back to the brain is an important role for the scientist. Precision and accuracy is of the utmost here. Steady hands are also a first requirement for neurosurgeons.

Immunology is ever an important role for scientist. They must detect a disease process microbe and then search for a prohibiting chemical to render it useless. It has worked so well in the past it has rendered some diseases nonexistent. The small pox vaccination is an example.

The scientific field is vast. There is room for all kinds of disease detectors and fighters. Yet, what it is most in need of is not more money – although used correctly and for the right purpose it helps – is cooperation and respect and honesty among its own members.