How does Nanotechnology Work

A tie no longer becomes dirty.  House walls, displaying graffiti art, can be washed down with water. Bikes become simultaneously robust and light in weight. Drugs specifically tackle cancer.  Nanotechnology is revolutionizing our daily lives.

Nanotechnology deals with the research and construction of extremely small structures.  One nanometer compares to a millionth of a millimeter. Applications and research include the fields of energy, environmental technology, information technology, and health. Nanotechnology is an umbrella term for different types of analysis and processing of materials, which have one thing in common: Their size is one to one hundred nanometers.  Nanotechnology exploits the special properties that are characteristics of many nanostructures. The mechanical, optical, magnetic, electrical and chemical properties of these tiny structures do not only depend on the nature of the starting material, but on their size and shape. 

Because the particles are so small in relativity to their volume, they have a very large surface. They react very differently to their environment than larger particles, sometimes even quite violently. If we set one piece of an iron on a table, nothing would happen.  By reducing that same piece of iron, processing it into nano powder, it would react immediately upon contact with air and be burnt.

Since small nano particles have different characteristics than larger particles, they can be of great advantage. Nano particles can take on different shades of colors during varying sun-light conditions. When such materials are used for car paint, the car, influenced by weather conditions, changes its color.  Smallest carbon tubes make materials lighter and more resilient. Bikes and tennis racket have already been built by applying Nanotechnology.  Cars, containing a nano metal surface have shown to be more scratch resistant. Even wind turbines become lighter in weight and thus produce more power.

The construction industry even benefits from Nanotechnology.  By adding nano silver to paint, these smallest nano particles close gaps on wall surfaces.   Moss and graffiti can no longer settle permanently on walls, and graffiti in particular can be washed down with water alone. This principle can also provide for a greater hygiene in hospitals. 

This could also mean that our ski goggles or bathroom mirrors won’t fog up anymore.  Rain drops will roll off jackets, keeping us dry, and socks and T-shirts will smell less. 

High hopes are associated with Nanotechnology in the field of medicine.  Medical scientists hope that Nanotechnology would someday be the cure for cancer by treating tumors and cancer infestations very effectively.

Nanotechnology is the technology of our future.  The motto “higher and wider” has been replaced by “smaller, faster, and more efficient”.  The application of this technology is immense.  Future progress in the study of Nanotechnology will also determine the further development of future industries.