How a Cigar Hygrometer Works

Anyone who smokes cigars knows what a hygrometer is. Anyone looking to become a cigar smoker will need to know what a hygrometer is. It is a way to test the humidity of the cigar itself. Why is this important? Well, cigars are usually enjoyed for the taste they bring the smoker. If a cigar is too dry then the taste almost completely disappears. If the humidity reaches a level that is too high then trying to light the cigar will be nearly impossible, and there could be mold developing inside the cigar. For more information about the importance of humidity levels, click here.

When a cigar is purchased there is usually a special case called a humidor that comes with it. It is developed to try and keep a specific amount of moisture in the air inside the case. However, it is not a mechanical or digital piece of equipment so it cannot be counted on to control humidity levels. Therefore, the humidors often come with a device called a hygrometer. This device does not control, but measures the amount of relative humidity in the air.

To understand the hygrometer you have to understand what relative humidity is. Saturation in the air is the total amount of moisture that the air can hold at a specific given temperature. Actual humidity is a percent of the saturation in the air. For the equation that equals relative humidity, click here. The hygrometer measures relative humidity. This means it is not 100% accurate, but pretty close. A hygrometer can be analog or digital. Each works differently, but measures the same thing:  relative humidity.

An analog hygrometer uses horse hair to measure humidity in the air. Horse hair is used because it is stronger than human hair. Hair in general expands when humidity is high and contracts when it is low. When the horse hair expands it moves several pieces of machinery in the hygrometer, which move a spring to allow the metal pointer to point to a number on the hygrometer. The number tells the user what the relative humidity is.

A digital hygrometer uses water vapor in the air to measure the relative humidity. There are two non conducive plates which, upon collecting water vapor at various humidity levels, create a pathway for electricity to flow. The more water vapor means more water droplets, which allow for a greater amount of electricity. There is a voltmeter and chip that translate the amount of electrical flow into a somewhat accurate humidity level.

For more information on how an analog and/or a digital hygrometer work, click here.