Helping People Change Negative self Images

In order to overcome the negative body image that we all have we must first define what beauty is to us. Trust me, not everyone thinks tall, skinny and blonde is beautiful. In fact my mother has a model figure but she would never be caught dead in a skirt because she believes that her legs are to skinny and my sister claims that her legs are to big and she doesn’t wear skirts either. The fact is they both are beautiful and so are you.

Remember that no body is perfect – not even the world’s supermodels. We all have those parts of our body that we love, and other areas we wish we could change. Realize that you don’t need to subscribe to all the none empowering messages our society puts out there.

Walking through life with a negative body image perception creates a cycle of unfulfillment. This spills into all areas of your life, including your summer vacation.

Loving the skin your in is beautiful. Being confident is beautiful. Enjoying the summer without having to worry what others think of your body is beautiful. So you should not worry about what others think. Do what makes you happy. Wear what fits you, makes you feel confident and beautiful. So here is how you do it. Really loving your body means working to bring out your inner beauty.

Tips to overcome a negative body image:
Define your own version of beauty.
Take care of your body so that you feel healthy and alive.
Replace negative self talk with positive attitude about your body.
Realize that other people don’t focus on your flaws the way that you do – because to
them, the outer package holds a truly wonderful and beautiful gift – YOU.

When you truly love your body, you are more likely to engage in choices that support your emotional and physical well-being while celebrating the natural beauty and true essence of you!