Heat Waves

People have died as a result of intense summer heat, especially, old people who live alone.  Body temperatures reach a drastic high causing hyperthermia, resulting in heat stroke.

Old people who live alone should be seen about during heat waves.  Some cities provide shelters for people with no air conditioning during heat waves.

Walking into my grandmother’s house (she lived alone in the country) in the summer time was stifling to me but, there she sat wrapped in a sweater, with her butane heater going full speed saying how cold she was. 

Going to the beach. lake or pool helps one bear the heat but, you have to take precautions there to prevent heat stroke, too.  Sometimes, I find I’ve had too much heat after I’ve had a shower and shiver like it is freezing outside.  The sun can certainly damage your skin and cause you to be miserable for days and if the proper sun lotion is not used, later in life, you could experience cancers of the skin.

Years ago, a lady told me she had stayed in the sun too long on a vacation trip to California.  She had to be hospitalized and was wrapped in oiled sheets until they felt it safe for her without the oil.  She was not accustomed to the sun and simply had overstayed her time on the beach during a heat wave, trying to stay cool.

Intense heat can also destroy crops unless there is no adequate irrigation and farmers suffer the loss.  There is hardly anything you can do about this for the farmer who cannot afford the irrigation equipment.  There have been lightening storms in the country that have caused forest fires that can lead to homes and cause them to burn.

Highways have been known to buckle, due to the heat causing the asphalt to expand.  This can be a danger to drivers as one never knows how deep it will drop and can happen anytime, anywhere.  Highways have been closed in some places until the damage has been repaired.

Energy shortage in a state is awful.  In California, we experienced rotating electricity (rolling blackouts) a few years ago.  Although, we knew the time we were scheduled to be without electricity, it was still scary. and so inconvenient and probably even a little bit dangerous as we used lit candles over the rooms.

Please take precautions and drink plenty of water and keep fluids in your body so that you won’t dehydrate during hot weather.
