Natural Products to Treat Acne Scars

There are numerous types and varieties of natural products available for the treatment of acne scarring. The trick to using any natural product is to give it time to work, and be diligent about using the product consistently and as directed by your doctor for best results. Before committing to an all-natural skin regimen, talk with your doctor about your acne scars.


Using fresh mint leaves is a natural way to treat acne scars. Rinse one bunch of mint leaves and place them on a muslin cloth, or a loosely-woven cotton cloth, and crush them. Twist the leaves inside the cloth and squeeze, catching the expelled mint juices. Apply the juice to your acne scar and surrounding skin. This will nourish and soothe inflamed acne scars and encourage faster healing.

Vitamin E and Aloe

Vitamin E penetrates deep into the skin attacking the scar from its base. Combining vitamin E with aloe, which is also known for its healing properties, makes for an effective treatment for all types of scars, deep or shallow.

Baking Soda

The American Chronicle reports that baking soda is a great natural exfoliate, and is found in many cosmetic and microdermabrasion treatments. Mix one part baking soda to two parts water, then apply the mixture to your scar. Leave the treatment on for one minute before rinsing. Repeat twice a day for best results.