How to Make Hair Regrow Quickly


Baldness and bald spots are unfortunate conditions that happen to millions of people every year. Although baldness normally happens to people over the age of 40, you can start losing your hair at any age. Bald spots occur when your hair follicles stop producing the chemical keratin. You can lose your hair because of poor nutrition, stress, illness or genes. Many products on the market claim they can make your hair regrow quickly, but you can do many things on your own to make your hair grow again fast.

Step 1

Drink water. Your body needs to be hydrated if you want your hair follicles to start producing keratin again. Since you need keratin to make your hair regrow quickly, the Mayo Clinic says you should drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water every day.

Step 2

Eat protein to regrow your hair quickly. Protein not only keeps your hair and skin healthy, it also helps give your body the nutrients it needs to regrow your hair. Protein helps your hair follicles start producing the keratin it needs to grow hair again. You should eat protein such as eggs, chicken, beans and yogurt.

Step 3

Undergo UV light treatment. The UV treatment sends pulses of UV rays into your skin to help your hair regrow. The treatment works by shocking your hair follicles into growing hair again. The light lasers restore your damaged hair cells and follicles so they can restart growing hair again quickly.

Step 4

Try steroid injections. Steroid injections are the most effective treatment if you want to regrow your hair in small patches of baldness. During steroid treatment, a doctor will inject a needle with a steroid solution into the part of your skin you want to regrow your hair in. The treatment helps your cells stop attacking your hair follicles, preventing them from growing hair.

Step 5

Use a drug containing minoxidil to make your hair regrow quickly. You can find minoxidil in nearly any pharmacy. Minoxidil can be found in many over-the-counter medications. The Mayo Clinic says minoxidil will regrow your hair quickly, although it may come back thinner and shorter than the hair that grew there before.