Great Educational Resources about Space and Astronomy

“I must be patient till the heavens look with an aspect more favourable.”
~ Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale

When a person is born, all of the planets in the sky are located in one particular position as they line up-the combinations can be endless and unique, within each second that gently passes by. Known as a Conjunction, the sharing of a common planetary experience within a group of planets are similar to a group of people sharing a friendly conversation. Yet on the opposite side of the situation are two planets or planetary groups facing each other in opposition, known as an Opposition. Rather unique, is it not?

What makes the energy different in the above situations is universal energy, which exists in the person born in that same scene within their psyche. The odd thing is that scientists who feel that planets can give off energy and can have conjunctions and oppositional effects, refuse to believe that people born in the same universal field has the same energetic attributes. Odd.

Previously was the astronomical beginning of the new moon, Thursday the October 11, 2007, at 5:00 GMT, or 1:00 am EDT. In North America it will be seen with some difficulty on October 12, 2007. Many people find this field totally exciting, but no more or less than NASA with the location of its planets and the finding of life a daily challenge and yet wonderfully vague. Regarding life elsewhere in the galaxy, Arthur C. Clarke humorously stated, “There are two possibilities. Maybe we’re alone. Maybe we’re not. Both are equally frightening.”

This statement was in reference to the new book of Bruce Jakosky’s entitled, “Science, Society, and the Search for Life in the Universe.” Published by the University of Arizona Press, 2006, it discusses astrobiology-life’s origin, evolution, and how life is distributed in the universe. Exciting, it is the only field of science that promotes a great deal of interest in the public.

Listed in the Astronomy Magazine, the book is about astrobiology, a fast-growing field that Jekosky looks “at the search for life in the universe from both scientific and social perspectives.” What makes the book stand out about all other ones is that the man is not afraid to approach contradictional subject matter that the public finds fascinating compared to the meager and unsatisfying dialogue between the scientific community and those outside of it. Also discussed are NASA’s public relation “issues”, along with political wrangling over the funding for science.

Speaking from “the horse’s mouth,” so to speak-Professor Jakosky is a geology professor in Boulder, CO at the University of Colorado, while heading the astrobiology efforts as part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute initiative. Also, he is involved with the NASA Mars Science Laboratory that will be set for arrival on Mars in 2010.

Many other resources are available online-;;; and many others that are available under search engines of “space, stars, astronomy and space, etc.” (