Gastric Bypass Surgery

What is a Gastric Bypass?

Gastric Bypass surgery is a commonly known weight loss procedure designed for people who are suffering from excessive weight or morbid obesity, especially for individuals who have undergone normal measures of losing weight but have failed.

This surgical procedure changes how a patient’s stomach and small intestine handle the food he takes. The aim of the surgery is to make the stomach smaller which in turn aims at making the patient feel full quickly which will lead him to consume less food. When Gastric Bypass surgery is successful, the food he takes in will no longer be absorbed by some parts of the stomach and the small intestine that break down food.

Two kinds of Gastric Bypass: open surgery and laparoscopy

Gastric Bypass surgery can be performed in two ways: either by open surgery or by laparoscopy. After the operation, most patients require a recovery period of two to five weeks off before they could resume their normal and daily activities. As a natural consequence of the surgery, all the techniques performed in Gastric Bypass surgery leave a permanent scar, but normally a permanent scar can be concealed by clothing. Treatments after the procedure usually include a dietary plan, regular exercise, therapy, and vitamin supplements.

Gastric Bypass surgery gives patients the opportunity to lose a significant amount of weight and this helps them improve their physical appearance and maintain a favorable health condition. In fact, research and studies show that one (1) out of ten (10) people who have undergone a Gastric Bypass surgery experienced complications. This kind of surgery can be extremely beneficial but it has also its risks.

Gastric Bypass not safe with patients with lupus

While the surgery is approved for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 or those with a BMI between 35 and 39 associated with severe medical problems, undergoing the operation has its contraindications. Gastric Bypass surgery helps patients improve severe health conditions associated with obesity such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and sleep apnea, but it may be risky to other individuals suffering from other diseases like people with lupus.

Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease, can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and organs). It is also a chronic disease and that means it could last for many years and the possibility of recurrence is high. This disease occurs when something goes wrong with an individual’s immune system which is the part of the body which fights off viruses and bacteria.

While there is a greater chance that people with lupus acquire the disease by inheriting it, there is still a big possibility that some environmental factors could trigger the disease. Some of these factors include exposure to ultraviolet rays, infections, injuries, emotional stress and physical stress, i.e., pregnancy, surgery.

In the end, no matter how effective Gastric Bypass surgery is in the reduction of weight, the procedure remains risky to people afflicted with lupus. If the aim is to significantly reduce weight, there are still other effective ways at achieving it without jeopardizing their health.