Frog General Anatomy and Function

The frog is a very unique animal because it specifically shows how an organism’s structure and function are related.  There are three main systems within the frog that are important examples of this.  The motility of the frog is seen in its movements, from swimming to jumping.  A frog’s feeding includes its special tongue and digestive system.  The frog’s respiratory system brings oxygen to its blood.  These three systems in every frog help us understand the link between a frog’s anatomy and how it lives.

First, the frog has an unusual system of motility to move from place to place.  It uses the webbing on its feet to swim well.  The webbing is important because the frog can move fast in the water and feed and mate in the water.  A frog’s webbing makes it well suited to live in the water.  Secondly, the frog’s long hind legs are used to jumping from place to place.  They are also used to swim, with quick, powerful strokes.  The hind legs relate to structure and function because they are useful in escaping from predators.  A final component of the motility system is the front legs.  They are not as useful as the back legs, but prop the frog up when it is sitting so that it does not fall over.  The front legs of a frog help counteract the back legs by breaking the fall whenever a frog jumps.  The motility system of a frog relates structure to function because it helps the frog excel at swimming, jumping, and living in the water.

Next, the frog has a personal feeding system designed for its environment.  First, a frog uses its tongue to flip out and eat a fly.  The tongue is unique because it is attached at the front of the mouth instead of at the back.  This enables the frog to move very fast in catching food.  Secondly, the frog has a unique camouflaged skin that allows it to catch prey.  This helps the frog to escape from predators also.  The camouflaged skin helps the frog to eat prey that would otherwise be impossible to catch.  Finally, the frog will eat anything smaller than itself.  This helps the frog survive in many different places.  Frogs will eat insects, plants, other frogs, and even small mammals to live.  The frog’s feeding system helps it catch food quickly and eat many other organisms.

The third system is the respiratory system, which enables the frog to breathe underwater and in the air.  First, the adult frogs have lungs so that they can breathe out of the water.  These are important because some food that they need might not be in the water.  The lungs work like a human’s and help the frog live out of the water.  Next, the frog’s skin is permeable to oxygen and water, so the oxygen passes right into the bloodstream while the frog is underwater.  This is important because it gives the frog the ability to live underwater.  The structure of the skin and where the frog lives are very closely linked this way.  Finally, the respiratory system allows the frogs to croak to attract mates.  They pass the air through the esophagus and to the larynx, where the sounds are made.  The system helps the frogs reproduce and pass on DNA.  The respiratory system of a frog helps it breathe both underwater and on land, and helps it to find a mate.

In conclusion, the systems of motility, feeding, and respiration are important examples of the relationship between the anatomy and environment of a frog.  The movements of a frog allow it to swim very well and jump away from predators.  A frog’s feeding habits include being able to catch small insects quickly and eating many types of food.  The respiratory system of the frog helps it to breathe efficiently and use sounds to find a mate.  The frog is very adapted to its environment because it can breathe underwater, find food anywhere, and swim very well.