Flying in Bad Weather how to Stay Calm

Weather conditions play very important role in flying and the safety of an aircraft. This is because if the weather is not sufficient for flight, the pilot is not capable of controlling the plane and therefore the lives of the passengers and crew are in danger. This is because there are many different techniques necessary to navigate turbulence when in the air.

A pilot must have complete control over the entire wingspan of the plane. Without this control, staying on course as well as being able to land the aircraft becomes very difficult.

Furthermore, ice and snow can have a major impact on the weight of the wings of the plane.

This means that landing becomes more difficult because of the difficulty in turning the plane in the right direction to be in line for the runway. Dropping altitude happens very quickly. However if the plane is carrying extra weight due to ice and it is off balance, than there will be many different problems connected with staying safe during the landing process.

The control tower will not be able to guide the pilot through significant turbulence if the pilot is not capable of seeing where he is supposed to land the plane. Furthermore, human error is more likely when there are difficult circumstances limiting the pilot from being able to do what they would normally do in more traditional comfortable situation. If there is extreme lightning, the pilot will have to adjust the course of the plane so that there is not any risk of being struck by lightning. This can also make the passengers nervous if they are feeling a difference in the flight pattern then they anticipated.

It can be very difficult on the pilot to have to deal with the emotions of the passengers while keeping everybody safe. This is not something that most people think about, however the pilot must remain in emotional control even when things are not looking exactly positive. If the pilot’s physical visibility is limited, they will have difficulty trying to find where they would go under normal circumstances.

If there is ice in the atmosphere, the pilot has to worry about damage to the aircraft while staying on course. Even extreme heat can be a problem when applying the rules of flying. This is because many times the engines within the plane can over heat. Every weather condition has its own unique challenge for a pilot to deal with on a daily basis.