Fibrocystic Breasts

Fibrocystic disease is a condition of the breast in women. Typically it is a benign or noncancerous condition. Women may find lumps in their breasts or the breasts will become swollen or tender. Symptoms may increase right before the menstrual cycle.

The condition may affect one or both breasts. Women should see a physician for diagnoses and treatment of any unusual conditions of the breast.  Some physicians believe that women with a fibrocystic condition are more susceptible to cancer, while others believe it is simply a natural part of some women’s hormone cycle.

During the first appointment with a doctor the patient will have a manual breast exam. The physician will then ask for more tests to be done. Examples of tests are a mammogram, needle aspiration, biopsy and/or ultrasound. These tests will determine if the lump or lumps are cancerous or a symptom of fibrocystic disease.

When tests results show that the condition is indeed Fibrocystic Disease then treatment can begin to reduce pain symptoms. Reducing estrogen levels often reduces the pain and discomfort of this condition. Estrogen is a natural hormone found in the female body, however today women often ingest too much estrogen. Estrogen hormone is fed to cattle, pigs and poultry to help them grow faster and the estrogen fed to them is in their bodies. Women with fibrocystic disease may need to make sure they ingest meat that is hormone free. Birth control pills contain extra estrogen and your physician may recommend a different form of birth control.

Further dietary restrictions include reducing caffeine. Caffeine is present in more food and drinks than just coffee, tea, and soft drinks. It is also in chocolate and energy drinks. Sugar can also affect the pain symptoms of Fibrocystic Disease therefore it is a good idea to carefully read food labels and reduce consumption of all forms of sugar.

A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains is of vital importance for everyone. But supplemental vitamins may help reduce the fibrocystic condition.  Add vitamin E, B complex and magnesium to your shopping list and see if these reduce the painful symptoms.

During an incidence of pain in the breasts due to cysts a patient may be advised by their doctor to take over the counter pain relievers such as aspirin or acetaminophen. Additionally the doctor might suggest using ice gel packs on the breasts. Some women report pain relief using heat packs rather than ice packs on the breasts.

Because of the pain in the breasts due to Fibrocystic Disease it is recommended that a well fitting bra be worn. Find a department store that has a professional bra fitter to measure for correct size. Try on various styles of bras and find one that fits well and decreases the discomfort of the fibrocystic condition.

While Fibrocystic Disease is painful and annoying it is not a fatal disease. Experiment with various solutions to reduce the pain and discomfort. With patience the uncomfortable symptoms will be reduced and the condition can be tolerated.