Facts about the Sun

Hydrogen bombs and the sun have a lot in common. The star we call the sun is in it’s main sequence, that is the hydrogen as began fusion, just like in a nuclear explosion. Once the density of the hydrogen reaches a critical stage, gravity and heat slams the hydrogen atoms together and fusion begins. This process is what makes our star and other stars shine. It is the balance between the fusion radiating heat and expanding and gravity contracting that makes it so our sun does not explode. This main sequence will go on for a couple of billion years or so till the fuel, hydrogen atoms, starts to run out. Then it will expand and devour the solar system. The fused hydrogen turns into helium, now when helium under goes fusion, you have a Super Nova. a star exploding.

This all began from a cloud of hydrogen gas, gravity and accretion. It is how stars form, enough hydrogen clumps together to achieve the critical stage. There are several other stages or classes of stars, red giants being one, that is when the fuel begins to run out. The sun radiates energy in many forms, the most common one is photons. Photons is what the earth is showered in. The sun is what heats the earth and makes it possible for plants to grow and people to survive. The sun is what powers our solar system. It holds all the planets to there orbits. In fact, the sun helped in creating the planets.

Our sun has enough gravity to bend time, to warp time to a slower speed. This is one of the effects that Einstein discovered. The gravity of the sun is so powerful it can bend light coming from other stars from far across the galaxy and universe. The light we see from the sun is about eight minutes old, that is it takes the photons the sun emits about eight minutes to get to the earth. The light we see from other stars in the night sky take much longer, the closet star is about four light years away, a light year being the distance traveled by light in a year. Light travels 136,000 miles per second, so that is a very long distance. When we look at other stars, we are really looking back in time, for our star we see what happened eight minutes ago, for our neighboring galaxy, a million years ago.