Factors that Affect Rate of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a process of food production of plants, algae and other photosynthetic organisms. In such process, photosynthetic organisms known as photoautotroph aids in the purification of the atmosphere by converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds that they used as food and nutrients, eventually photoautotroph release oxygen as waste product.

Photosynthesis plays an important role in maintaining the natural balance of the environment by making sure that there is enough amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, there are also a lot of factors that affect and derail the process of photosynthesis.

Needless to say, in this day and age of industrialization trees are being cut down recklessly resulting into the diminishing number of photoautotroph and more serious environmental concerns such as global warming and climate change.

Hence, this article lists some of the factors that can affect the process of photosynthesis.

 Light Intensity

The intensity of light is an essential element in the process of photosynthesis. At certain point in the conversion phases of photosynthesis, the amount and strength of light proportionate the rate of photosynthesis. However, once a certain level has been reached by the rate of photosynthesis, the intensity of light will no longer be a factor and will lose its effect in the process of photosynthesis.

Moreover, too much light and ultra violet rays can destroy and damage chlorophyll in plants which are responsible for the photosynthesis reaction.

Concentration of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is used directly in the process of photosynthesis. Thus, it’s quite logical to predict that the concentration or the solidness of carbon dioxide also affects photosynthesis. The concentration of carbon dioxide directly affects the reaction of certain process orchestrator specifically the chlorophyll in plants. In some instances, a photoautotroph receives more than the enough amount of carbon dioxide and it results into dysfunction in the process of photosynthesis.


Temperature has an effect to a plant’s chlorophyll quite similar to the effect of too much light. Extreme heat can damage chlorophyll and it will be harder for them to initiate the photosynthesis reaction. More so, photosynthetic enzymes are also damaged in instances of extreme heat.

Generally speaking however, a 10 degree Celsius increase in temperature will most likely result into a faster rate of photosynthesis.

Water Supply

Water is one of the main ingredients required in the process of photosynthesis and it’s important for a plant or any other photoautotroph to maintain or receive sufficient supply of water during the process of photosynthesis. Water has a direct effect on the stomata which is responsible for the diffusion of carbon dioxide.

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