Efforts to Save Coral Reefs

The world’s coral reefs are among the most endangered marine habits. These habitats teem with life in nearly every nook and crevice and are vital for many aquatic species. Rising ocean temperatures, the result of the world’s current progression of climate change, along with pollution and over fishing and harvesting, have had a devastating effect on the coral reefs. Many of the reefs that populated the oceans waters a mere half century ago are gone. Efforts to save and preserve the coral reefs we still have left have cropped up and set out on a mission to make sure these reefs survive.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, is one such organization. NOAA has the responsibility within the United States for monitoring the marine resources. This also includes research on the health of domestic coral reefs, restoring coral reefs that have been damaged or destroyed and attempting to maintain the health of the coral reefs within the United States boundaries. In addition to these duties NOAA also expends a lot of energy in getting information out about coral reefs and what can be done to help them.

Another organization, Reef Check, aims to help protect and rehabilitate reefs on an international level. This international organization has two main areas of interest which include the California rocky reefs and various tropical coral reefs. They accomplish their goals through three programs that facilitate. The first program is EcoAction, which focuses on education and certification for all ages who want to learn about the ocean and have a hand in helping to protecting the coral reefs around the world. The second program is a coral reef monitoring and management system. The goal of this program is to establish marine protected areas that can then be used to conserve coral reefs and encourage people living in the area to use the reefs only in a sustainable manner. The group also has a program called reef check California which is a volunteer monitoring system for the California rocky reefs. This program helps to gather information so that the reef can be sustained.

There are many organizations that are helping to get information out about the plight of coral reefs and also about what every individual can do to help. Even if you don’t live in an area that supports coral reef ecosystems that are still things you can do. One of the most devastating things hitting coral reefs right now is the climate change our planet is currently undergoing. To help reefs deal with that change things like planting trees and trying to lower your carbon footprint are extremely helpful. Pollution is also extremely dangerous for reefs and should be avoided at all costs. If you live in an area that has coral reefs talk to local business owners to find out about organizations in your area.