Cryptozoology – Yes

Critics of cryptozoology often refer to Bigfoot when discussing the science. It is considered by some as a pseudoscience because it involves the search of animals considered to be extinct or creatures not likely to inhabit the earth. Cryptozoologists often track beasts that are the subject of legend. Cryptids is a term used to apply to animals who, though no hard scientific proof supports them, are believed to exist. There are no fossil remains yet found for many of the animals that cryptozoologists search for. However, many believe that legends begin with a truth.

Well, guess what. Most scientists believe there are many undiscovered species that exist. In fact, cryptozoologists have often found evidence that discredits the validity of legendary creatures, such as Bigfoot. Cryptozoology ISN’T a bunch of buffoons with butterfly nets looking for that elusive unicorn in a mythical forest. Cryptozoology is merely a variation of the more established science of zoology. When a specimen or fossils of a previously unknown creature comes to light, it’s no longer hidden. Said specimen then becomes an object studied by zoologists. There are genuine finds, which then fall into the traditional category of zoology. This may bring to mind a particular boss or co-worker who likes to take the credit for your work. Does that make your work invalid? No.

A lot of discoveries demand merit of this science. The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) was considered a myth (land dragon) until it was discovered by scientists in the early 20th century. The rare megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) was discovered in Hawaii in 1976. The Laotian rock rat (Laonastses aenigmamus) is a rodent species first discovered in 1996. Recently, an unidentified large carcass was found in Canada. This creature may be the source of Ogopogo, a creature believed to inhabit Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. Many more examples exist.

Is time spent on proving and disproving creatures of legend or animals believed to be extinct a good idea? Absolutely yes New animals are found all the time. All. The. Time. Cryptozoologists search for hidden or unknown animals, but they also search for existing animals that live outside of their believed habitat, and living animals that may have survived extinction. How are undiscovered animals to be found if they aren’t looked for?

Yet undiscovered invertebrates and marine life may not be as exciting as tracking down the Loch Ness monster or Yeti, but they fall into the category of cryptozoology. Not every undiscovered creature can be as exciting or as famous as the mothman. And not all cryptozoologists are sensationalists.