Chemistry the Basics

Chemistry is a vast major branch of science with millions of sub branches coming off. However, chemistry can seem a very complicated subject with all its complicated calculations and names but there is also a fun side of chemistry that you probably enjoy every day without even knowing it.

Now to start off into the exciting world of chemistry the first thing you need to know is that the main core of chemistry is chemical reactions. A chemical reaction is something that happens that is irreversible like baking cake, once you have baked a cake you can’t then take out your eggs, flour and whatever else you used to make it.

What you also need to know is that everything around you is made of atoms and depending of the combination of atoms determines what they are. On top of this there are only certain types of atoms which are made up of electrons, neutrons and protons and depending on what combination of these the atom contains determines what type of an atom it is.

Now we move on to the more complicated part. Chemical reactions take place when two atoms or more atoms fuse together to make to make a new substance but only certain types of atom can fuse together and only under certain circumstances like some chemical reactions only take place when heat is applied.

Now here is the fun part. I am now going to tell you how to make water! All you need is a candle and a piece of cold glass. Now light the candle and hold the glass over the top. Be careful not to burn yourself! Now you should start to see droplets of water appearing on the glass. Congratulations!

Want to know how it works? Firstly what you need to understand is that that water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom and that in the air there are oxygen and hydrogen atoms floating around as a clear gas. As I told you before certain atoms need certain circumstances to react and the hydrogen and the oxygen atoms need heat to react which is being supplied by the candle. Now the oxygen and hydrogen atoms then react to form water but it is also in the form of a gas or water vapor so to change it into a liquid you have to cool it down and that is where the cold glass comes in. As the water vapor hits it cools down and turns into a liquid!