Social Science

Crazy Imagination

“Are people with a vivid imagination… crazy?”: Doesn’t it depend from person to person? With so many people and views on the world, even a person who could be classified as ‘normal’ could be determined crazy by a simple difference…
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Anger Management

Anger is an ironic emotion. It starts with irritation at a lack of control, then gradually becomes a more and more controlling force of its own. Whatever initially provoked the anger is then eclipsed by anger itself, to the point…
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How to Overcome Fear

Fear grips everyone at some point in their life. Some it effects more than others and often creates such a problem that they are unable to function, socially, physically and mentally. Fear is the basis of phobias many individuals suffer…
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Change is Good

Change is unavoidable. It is all around you, everywhere you look and in everything you do. Even if you don’t like change, we all experience it everyday. That new outfit, the vacation you planned and the new flowers you bought…
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