Physical Science

Assigning Oxidation Numbers

Oxidation numbers do not have a true physical significance in the real world, but they are tremendously useful as a book-keeping method when estimating oxidation states. In practice, students utilize oxidation numbers most frequently when balancing redox reactions (see the…
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Astrophotography is a type of specialized photography which entails taking photographs of celestial bodies such as the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, nebulas, and any other celestial objects. For the beginner, it’s not that difficult to get started. If all you…
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Element Facts Copper

Man has a long history with the reddish metallic element copper (Cu). The name of the element derives from the Latin word “cuprum” meaning “from the island Cyprus”. Cyprus supplied many of the ancient European civilizations with their supply of…
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What are Isotopes

Assuming you aren’t asking about “The Simpsons”, where the Isotopes are Springfield’s less than stellar baseball team, read on. Every ELEMENT is defined by the number of PROTONS found in its nucleus. An ISOTOPE is a particular variant of an…
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