
How the Dinos Died

Dinosaur fossils have been found all over the world. Finding these beautiful wonders has raised many questions, and paleontologists have answered these fumbling questions with the evidence that lies in the fossils. One question has been answered, but speculations are…
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Why did the Dinosaurs become Extinct

Doubt Raised on the Cause of Dinosaur Extinctions A mere 65 million years ago, Tyrannosaurus Rex, a forty-five foot scavenging carnivore, Triceratops, a mellow-mannered, five-ton herbivore, and many other species of dinosaur roamed the planet. Due to the well-preserved fossil…
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T Rex Hunteror Scavenger

Tyrannosaurus Rex, was it a “vicious” Hunter that attacked others or a “lowly” scavenger that ate the scraps from true predators? This has been debated ever since the first skeletons were uncovered, at least for several decades. The topic was…
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What are Brachiopods

Lamp shells were common at the beginning of the Cambrian period some six hundred million years ago. Their shells are readily fossilised so there is a good record of them from this time on. They were very common in ancient…
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