
What are Confidence Intervals

There are two broad branches of statistics: Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Rather sensibly, descriptive statistics is about describing something, and inferential statistics is about making instances. Suppose, for instance you were interested in the heights of children in 4th…
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Linear Regression

What is regression? Regression refers to a collection of techniques for modeling one variable (the dependent variable or DV), as a function of some other variables (the independent variables or IVs). Different regression techniques should be applied for different types…
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Cantors Proof

How many numbers are there? Silly question, right? They never stop! Let’s talk about the counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4 …. that … means “and so on”, and little kids know that there is no biggest number. It’s *infinity*….
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What does Calculus do

What is calculus? Although it is a huge subject, it is really about two fundamental ideas: differentiation and integration. Differentiation is a sophisticated form of division, and tries to get at 0/0. Integration is a sophisticated form of multiplication and…
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What is Math

I contend that what we commonly call “math” is really three subjects: 1) Arithmetic calculation 2) Quantitative reasoning 3) “Real” Math which is made up of …..a) Pure math …..b) Applied math and that these really have not all that…
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Good Statistical Graph

Graphs are visual representations of data, and can therefore serve a number of purposes. For one, they can summarize data into a form which the human mind can interpret and find patterns in much faster and with greater ease than…
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