
Differential Bacteria Growth Media

In microbiology, there are many different techniques used to identify microbes. Differential media typically provide general information regarding identity. * Bacterial Identification * Tools like differential media and stains help microbiologists to narrow down the microbial suspects, but don’t necessarily…
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Api Bacteria Identification

Differential stains and media can provide preliminary identification of microbes, but to identify Gram- bacteria to the species, a more sophisticated test is required. * Bacterial Identification * Differential staining of bacteria can provide preliminary information when a medical technician…
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Bacteria Endospore Stain

Endospore staining involves application of a series of dyes. Malachite green stains the endospores and safrinin dyes vegetative cells pink. Here is the endospore stain procedure. But before discussing the procedure for staining endospores, it is important to understand what…
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Bacteria Horizontal Gene Transfer

Although bacterial reproduction results in the generation of clones (vertical gene transfer), prokaryotes can undergo genetic recombination through the horizontal gene transfer methods of transformation, transduction, and conjugation. * Vertical Gene Transfer (VGT) * Bacteria reproduce through binary fission, a…
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Methods of Killing Bacteria

Heat, UV radiation, antibiotics and chemicals are all used to control bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. How to they kill pathogens without hurting our cells? * How Control Agents Damage Microbes * There are many different methods used to control…
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Acid Fast Stain Bacteria

Acid fast staining involves the application of a series of dyes that leaves some bacteria pink (Acid-fast) and others purple (Nonacid-fast). In order to understand how this stain works, it is important to learn about the type of bacteria identified…
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Plants Seeds Fruit Dispersal

Seeds and fruits contain the next generation of plants. Some plants like annuals die relying completely on the success of their seeds for the next generation whilst others produce few seeds over their lifetime but those seeds are borne in…
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What is Spontaneous Generation

Although today we understand that living things arise from other living things, the idea of spontaneous generation was entrenched in the minds of man throughout most of history. Spontaneous generation is the belief that, on a daily basis, living things…
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How Bacteria Communicate

The Basics of Quorum Sensing Off, and very close to the shallow shore of Hawaii there lives a marine animal known as the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid. This small squid does its hunting at night and on its back are detectors…
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