Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect

The gradual overall warming of the atmosphere is the green house effect. It is caused by an over consumption of nature’s resources defines the green house effect. Furthering that, the greenhouse effect is a situation where there is more carbon dioxide being let out into the environment than is being utilized by the vegetation. When the earth is in balance, there is sufficient plant life such as trees and plants to utilize the by products of human consumption, when this begins to pile up, the environment becomes unbalanced.

Warming trends raise rivers and oceans and some lands, even viable farm lands gets flooded over. In other words, if the present condition of overuse continues and a balance is not effected, some of the low lying areas of the world will be under water. People will, by necessity have to move to  higher ground. And I must add this, if they can see through the smog to get there.

All this sounds harsh and uninviting, and it is. But it is also true. Yet, there is hope. Most people are responsible and are adventuresome souls and are not uncaring. Once they understand their role in effecting changes to their environment and when they fully understand how to be better stewards of their world, they will have no trouble doing their part.

How does the carbon dioxide get into the air we breath in? It gets there by our bodies – our lungs – breathing out the by products of our energy sources. When I say we,  I mean all animals. Any type of energy conversion where oxygen is used to create, creates carbon dioxide. This can take place inside the body or outside the body. Yet the overall effect is the same. There must be enough green growing things to use up this surplice by product of energy.

A example: We peel fruits and vegetables for dinner. We eat the fruits and vegetables and our internal combustion engines converts them to energy. On the outside, we dump the vegetable scraps and peelings somewhere in the environment. We either drop them in the sink and grind them down the disposal where they end up in the sewer and must be dealt there, or we toss them in garbage bags and they get carried to landfills. There they stay until they are eventually converted into carbon dioxide, or are naturally converted into a fuel source, methane.  

The two processes are alike in many ways. Too much consumption adds up to a greenhouse effect. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask the people of the world to gradually slow down their use of or our natural energy sources. Nature is a great recylcer and can do a much better of reclaiming the land and the air and the water if given half a chance.

There are creatures with job assignments of every sorts. Their only jobs are recycling and reclaiming the worn out and the barren. Worms, bugs, creatures  of the air and of the water all have built in purposes, they only need a chance to do it. Shouldn’t we give them a chance to do theirs, while seeing that our own patch we are to till becomes healthier?