Associate Degree Programs for Nursing

Associate Degree Nursing Programs

Nursing programs are tackling the need to end the shortage of nurses, but the medical program requires a look at the means to provide for general nursing and for specialty nurses. A combination of nursing programs that provide for entry to a training ladder.


Nurse programs have had degrees of nursing. Someone could attempt to enter the nursing program through nursing assistant programs, but if talented we need them in nursing programs to fill the need. The traditional next step could be the Licensed Practical Nurse, but frequently these programs remain separate from the Registered nurse program which is the entry point for a professional nurse program. Tying these programs more closely together could put individuals on the path to professional nursing.


Many community colleges have a full spectrum of nursing programs and the highest degree they can offer is an associate degree. The traditional view of the associate degree is that they provide a vocational certification and serve populations that need to attend school and work at the present time. If the community college can work with four year schools, a nursing career path can be develop a career path. In addition, in most fields there are requirements for continuing credits and nursing is one.  How can associate programs work to make nursing a continuous process?


Communities need nurses and we need to provide the means towards nursing in as many locations as possible. Most communities have community colleges for the training and most communities need medical care.  For an adult to take off and move to an area with a bachelor degree program might prompt doubts because of the four year commitment, but the associate degree programs require a two year commitment. Potential nurses illustrate a commitment through enrollment in an associate nurse program. Community need to illustrate a commitment to meet the need for nurses. From there, we need avenues to move onto professional nursing certification through completion of a bachelor degree.  It might require an examination of nurse scheduling. 

Medical organization might examine on staff training program.  A community needs to choose to examine the needs for the community. Associate degrees are the entry level to nursing much as internships come to physicians after completion of medical school.  Not every hospital can be a training hospital for doctors, but maybe they can explore nursing program if Universities are willing to develop traveling instructors. 

Nurses are in great demand.  We need to work towards solutions and keeping an associate program as entrance with requirements towards professional certification.