Are People alone in the Universe

Man’s persistent search for “life” “out there” is admirable and motivated by the best of intentions.

But in their search, these intellectual seekers fail to factor in the fact that the very act of initiating these intellectual activities involves another critical ingredient. This ingredient is the activity of their own individual consciousness which is doing the observing and interpreting their own observations through the prism of their intellectual training.

It is axiomatic that one cannot be aware of anything except that which is in his own consciousness. Even their search has to be motivated by an intellectual desire to do so. Man’s search for life “out there” is tantamount to a fish’s search for the ocean.

According to Webster, “life” is “the quality that distinguishes a vital functioning being from inanimate matter”. This quality is that which is “known or felt by one’s inner self” or “consciousness”.(Webster)

The only logical conclusion is that this thing we call “life” is not a something “out there” to be found by observing the “inanimate matter” of space but is a quality known and experienced within one’s individual conscious awareness. The “out there” is completely subjective. It is the effect of the “mental experience of an individual” (Webster).

Whatever is observed must be the inevitable manifestation of the natural laws and principles comprising the universe which Webster defines as, “the whole body of things including the whole without limit or exception and accruing everywhere”. This all-inclusive oneness is governed by universal, natural laws and principles which, Webster defines as, “the creative and controlling forces of the universe”.

As man’s search for “life” out there continues and his knowledge and understanding of observable phenomena continues, he will find that all paths must ultimately lead back to their source. He will find only one conclusion which Webster defines as, “obvious, inevitable and predictable”. He will find life to be singularly omnipresent, incorporeal and supported by its own laws which Webster defines as, “rules or principle that always work and are enforced by a governing authority”.

The human mind has difficulty in accepting the idea of absolute oneness without an opposite. Perhaps Rene Descartes had the answer when he observed “cogito ergo sum”; “I think, therefore, I am”. First person. singular, present tense.

This perspective is impossible to fully articulate; it must be experienced, or “felt”, within each individual. As Galileo noted, “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself”.

Logic forces the conclusion that “life” is an all-inclusive, subjective continuum and, as such, could not have had a “beginning”. By its very nature and definition, life is infinite and, therefore, precludes the possibility of there ever having been a “big bang” phenomenon or “reality” unlike itself. “Life” IS and can no more contain a death process than the sun can contain darkness. It is the law!