AMS Medical Abbreviation

Medical abbreviations offer convenience by shortening long medical terms into acronyms but sometimes it can be confusing and difficult to understand. AMS, one of those medical terminology abbreviations that have multiple meanings, does exactly have several meanings in the medical field. Let’s go on finding out AMS medical abbreviation on this article.

What Does AMS Medical Abbreviation Mean

AMS “Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome” – This is a genetic disorder characterized by different kinds of malformations that affect the skin, the genitals and the fingers. It’s a very rare disease and in some cases the nipples or the abdominal wall may be affected to be abnormal too.

Acute Mountain Sickness – This AMS is meant to altitude sickness, which is the condition in those people who travel to high altitudes (about 8,000 feet). Due to lower levels of oxygen and decreased air pressure people will get some symptoms like dizziness and headache.

Acute Multiple Sclerosis – One type of Multiple sclerosis (MS), which is an autoimmune disease that can affect the brain cells and spinal cord. Numbness and weakness may be the common symptoms in MS.

Acute Maxillary Sinusitis – This condition may cause patients to feel pain and pressure in the maxillary area, most of time the common cold is the main cause.

Acute Mitral Stenosis – One type of Mitral stenosis which is a disorder in which the mitral valve does not fully open. This restricts the flow of blood.

Acute Muscle Soreness – This AMS means to a condition that people feel the pain in muscles during or after exercise while they increased their activity level too quickly. This symptom will disappear in half an hour after relaxing, in some cases it will last several hours.

Altered Mental Status – Altered mental status (AMS) is usually referring to an abnormal change in behavior including speech, mobility, thought, and memory. The symptom will be slight confusion and coma in some cases.

Aseptic Meningitis Syndrome – This illness is commonly caused by enterovirus and other infectious and noninfectious etiologies as well. It’s the meningeal inflammation that can lead to symptoms such as headache and fever.

Atypical Measles Syndrome – The AMS is the relatively new disease mostly in children who were incompletely immunized against measle. It was characterized by high fever, cough, and headache after 2-3 days.

Atypical Mole Syndrome – This is a skin disorder characterized by mole-like tumors with different size and color in the body. The numbers of moles are from 10 to over 100.

Amylase – The is also abbreviated to AMS, which is an enzyme in your blood that helps digest carbohydrates. The level of Amylase can be measured by a test just like amylase urine test.