Alternatives to getting Psychological help

Alternatives to getting psychological help

There are many times within the course of a lifetime when a human being may believe that the only alternative that they have to sort out problems that become to big for them to handle is of a psychological nature. The human psyche is strengthened and weakened by so many influences that alternative measures to traditional psychology may address those problems as effectively and suit those patients that have difficulty in accepting the psychological approach to their problems.

Before being able to evaluate which alternative methods suit an individual’s needs, the following evaluations should be made by the patient themselves to help them decipher the areas of their lives which are causing discomfort and to distinguish areas that may contribute to the lack of wellbeing.

*Physical health
*Circumstances of their lives that contribute
*Exercise and diet
*Self help
*Helping others.

Physical health.

The fine dividing line between physical and mental health isn’t always clear. For example, there are many stages of growth and physical illnesses that manifest themselves as psychological problems. Hormone imbalance, reactions to medications, etc., can all contribute and instead of just being content to take more pills to sort out the problems, the better course of action before looking for alternatives to a psychological need that may stem from physical roots would be to discuss them with a doctor and to have a thorough re-appraisal of the drugs taken, and medical condition that prevails, since a change of treatment may take away those effects that gave the patient the psychological imbalance. If there seems no logical explanation for psychological need, this is the first step and taking this step safely through a medical practitioner that knows you is the best way to eliminate it as a possibility.


Psychological needs sometimes stem from circumstances of a patient’s life. They may be in a relationship that is manipulative or beyond their control, emphasizing the need for psychological help. Here again, if honest with their medical doctor, patients can be referred to groups that help in their particular circumstances. Psychological help isn’t always what the patient needs. Instead, what is valuable to the patient is to be able to recognize the patterns that put them into such need, and by talking to groups, a clearer picture emerges, as well as giving the individual more choices about the way in which they react to their own specific circumstances in an attempt to move on. Sometimes finances, work, children, marriage all contribute to the seemingly impossible situation, though many patients cannot find a way forward because they are too involved in the situation and cannot see the wood for the trees. This is where support groups help. By posing your questions in an atmosphere of help orientated talk, the feedback can help to clear the path and to help the patient to make better advised decisions to put their life back on track.

Here, circumstance is often the patient’s choice, since they lack the confidence to change those elements of their lives that disturb them. Group talking helps them to see ways to tackle those disturbing elements and it is always advisable that the group is headed by professional people who will steer the conversations towards constructive advice.

Exercise and diet

Did you know that the amount of exercise that you do affects how you feel psychologically ? Many who feel the need for psychological help are stuck in a life where they have little exercise. What exercise does, even in small doses such as walks, is to get the oxygen flowing and generate energy. Many people with psychological need will find that exercise even of a fairly light nature, will enhance the view they have on life, since it provides stimulation to the body and indeed can restore energy levels, where a patient has become stagnant and lost in a world of inactivity. Here, keep fit classes may not suit everyone, though for others may be a lifeline of communication and a way to help them gain strength. The endorphins that are released during exercise are very similar in effect to those drugs that increase the serotonin in the brain, though without the side effects. Exercise also helps a patient to become more motivated and focused.

Attention to diet is also important, since it may be a lack of certain elements in the diet of a patient that is causing the psychological need within the patient in the first place. Look at healthy options instead of fast foods. Discuss needs with your doctor, and ask for blood tests to establish deficiencies.


One of the largest hurdles for those with psychological problems is to overcome their fear of communication and talk about those problems that emanate from their lives. It’s too personal and almost taboo to talk about those difficulties for many. Here, taking one step at a time, instead of trying to leap into communication, a patient can find a certain amount of release from talking, though not all talking is communication. The way to explain this is that while humans may say a lot of words, what they keep buried inside are the very things that would help them to recover. Friends and family are there to help, though sometimes seem too close to the situation. The patient doesn’t want to burden others. Here, there are alternatives. Talk to your local church minister. They will gladly listen and will advise.


Many patients who suffer psychological difficulties find it hard to relax. While one could suggest Yoga and other relaxation methods, their minds are too busy to be able to relax, and it is hard to change the habits of a lifetime, though relaxation in itself is so beneficial. Here, try music tapes aimed at relaxation in the privacy of your own home. Music stimulates and relaxes naturally, and after having tried your own techniques to suit your life, moving on to Yoga and other relaxation classes will not seem so hard.

Self help.

Many of us can help ourselves by reading and understanding the underlying problems that we face. There are many self help books on the market covering a whole complexity of personal problems. Here, never be afraid to try new books if one doesn’t work for you. Research until you find one that helps you to understand the processes that your life is going through and the road that lead you to where you are now.

Helping others.

It may seem a strange phenomenon that a patient will find help for their own problems by helping others, although what this does is help self esteem. Many patients with psychological problems have lost that esteem and find it hard to build the confidence to live a fulfilled life. By volunteering to help those less fortunate than themselves, to a certain degree the emphasis is shifted to those that really cannot help themselves and the patient is able to achieve balance, harmony, and gain self worth. Here, little by little, the bricks that build the foundation of personal strength are put in place, though the help of others should never be to the detriment of self. If worn down to exhausted by other people’s problems, what you have to offer them and yourself becomes minimal. Finding the right balance to suit your lifestyle, that help you give others detracts you away from the negativity of your life, and adds a positive element that will become habit forming and healthy, and add value to your life.

Developing strength.

By taking the steps above one at a time and working out which help you, what happens is that you begin to realize your own potential as a human being without psychological help. Your health is checked for imbalances, so it’s one less item on the list that weighs you down. Taking a walk in the park daily, or even just doing a few exercises will help you build mental strength and agility and take away the sluggish indifference. Communicating and getting to understand that your personal circumstances are indeed something that you can control helps you to develop as a whole person, and helping others will help you see that not only are you normal, but that others fall into the same trap too and that perhaps your problems are not as huge as the emphasis you placed on them in the first place.

By taking a good look inside ourselves, and learning from others by interaction and effort, the patient that hid behind a psychological veil of uncertainty learns not only to cope, but to shine as a human being.