A look at the Latest Theory on the Formation of Planets of our Solar System

Bode’s Law, or more accurately the Titius-Bode Law, describes a pattern roughly approximating the distance of planetary orbits. The Titius-Bode Law was developed in 1766 by Johann D. Titius, and made popular by Johann E. Bode in 1772. It is an equation describing the pattern of distances between the planets and the Sun. This law is expressed by the equation (n+4)/10 = a, with “a” as the calculated distance of a planet from the Sun, and “n” as the progression of numbers 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, and 384, but has never been explained using a physical argument.

Using a field theory model, Van Allen belts surround the Sun in the same way they surround the Earth. Van Allen belts are spaces between magnetic field lines (or more accurately, magnetic field layers). The Sun’s Van Allen belts explain the positioning of the planets. Protons, electrons, hydrogen, and helium ions became trapped between the field layers forming these Van Allen belts. As with the Van Allen belts encompassing the Earth, the electrons and protons contained within the belts are not at rest and stationary, but are extremely active, with many traveling at high velocities.

The ions of heavier elements move through the universe at a variety of speeds. Some electrons and protons had just enough velocity to become trapped in the Sun’s Van Allen belts. Others collided with ions and dust already trapped there. Gas clouds contributed to the buildup. Hydrogen and deuterium were easily formed, but the process did not stop there. The steady stream of protons and complex ions from outside our solar system caused a continuing build-up of matter within the Sun’s VA belts.

It may also be possible some elements preferentially build up in specific belts, explaining the varying geologies and atmospheres of different planets. It should also be noted gases and matter assume orbits at a stars magnetic equator.

Using this model, it is also predicted galactic cores also have Van Allen belts and perform a similar role in forming stars. A galaxy’s stars are formed in the equatorial region of a galactic core. Protons and ions avoid the core’s poles in the various stages of a galaxy’s formation.