A look at Alcoholism in its Early Stages

The nature of alcoholism

It is possible to recognize the early stages of alcoholism. The later stages of chronic alcoholism should not have to happen, if the early alcoholism symptoms are recognized and treated.

The article, “What Are the Symptoms of an Alcohol Problem?” identifies different areas of concern.  

Alcoholism in its early stages, wears many different faces or masks. These may include a high, depicting pleasure, or a low as the extreme opposite manifested by symptoms similar to clinical depression.     

Alcoholism is a disease that can occur at any age and places the body in a state of ‘dis-ease’, because there is a craving for alcohol, or an addiction to alcohol. There is an increased demand by the body for what appears to offer a temporary release from tension or stress, or increases one’s pleasure. Make note of the word ‘pleasure’, as addiction often begins based upon a pleasure-seeking principle.  

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to early alcohol addiction. They tend to crave a release from peer pressure, stress and freedom. They want to have fun, enjoy life and live an ‘adult’ lifestyle. Initially, they may consume an excessive amount of alcohol unknowingly, not realizing that the first drink is the first step towards early addiction. 

Perhaps there is not enough research to show the relation between alcohol and circulation, but short and long-term effects of alcohol on the human body are inter-related, in that what satisfies the body initially leads to a continual craving for more. Remember that alcohol has a drying effect. As one’s circulation is affected, it takes more alcohol to achieve the same satiating high.

Early symptoms of alcoholism are recognizable.

Bouts of restlessness may be one of the first signs of a craving for alcohol, or alcoholism. Unexpected emotional outbursts, including anger and frustration are often apparent. The person ‘needing’ alcohol may begin lying, fighting, stealing, abusing others or even disappearing to satisfy his or her craving.

Not being able to limit one’s alcohol consumption is only one sign of early alcoholism, as a person’s inhibitions are adversely affected. Increased bouts of drinking on a regular basis are another indicator. Not being able to meet one’s commitments with respect to family, school or employment, suggests that there are early social problems. Finding alcohol in unusual places, like under one’s Chesterfield or bed may be another.

Early alcoholics often tend to do senseless damage to their own personal property and surroundings, as well as that of others. They may use inappropriate language that is not a ‘norm’ for them. They can become serious risk takers, endangering their own lives or that of others, often with motor vehicles, motorcycles or boats. Some tend to towards violence, doing whatever is necessary to obtain their ‘fix’.

Understanding the nature of alcoholism is important in terms of the prevention and treatment of early alcoholism.

Recognizing or acknowledging one’s propensity towards alcoholism is only the first step towards treatment, but a very important one.