Monthly Archive: May 2015

How Airplanes Fly

The ability to fly has fueled the imagination of inventors, engineers, artists and poets for centuries. Leonardo DaVinci studied the principles of flight and devised the first architectural blueprints for the earliest helicopter. The Wright Brothers stood on the dunes…
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How Airplanes Fly

The first thought of flight started with Nostradamus , who in fifteen-0-three to fifteen-sixty-six, drew plans to the first helicopter known to man. His inovation sparked the world’s thought of flight to be witch craft and just another sourcerer trying…
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How Airplanes Fly

It is a testament of engineering that a machine weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds can fly just as gracefully as a single engined Cessna. Such an accomplishment is the result of countless discoveries going right back to Sir Isaac…
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What is the next Leap in Physics

According to quantum science, each element of an experimental arrangement generally consists of three components, namely a physical system, measuring device, and observer. Quantum mechanics teaches us that, during the observation of a quantum system, the action of the measuring…
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