What Are Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Acne?

According to Acne Resources Center Online, acne ranks as the most common skin disease in the United States. Caused by an overproduction of oil secretions, the Acne Resources Center reports that 60 million Americans suffer from the treatable condition, but only 11 percent seek help. While prescribed medications may be unaffordable to many, a multitude of low-cost methods of treatment are available for the budget-minded.

Oatmeal and Honey

An oatmeal and honey concoction can yield significant improvement for acne problems. As cited by GrannyMed.com, the oatmeal component of the treatment cleanses pores by absorbing oil and exfoliating the skin, and the honey tones the skin.

Follow the cooking instructions on the oatmeal box. Make enough for just one serving and use only non-flavored oatmeal. Spoon in 1/4 cup of honey and combine. After allowing the mixture to cool, smooth it onto your face, avoiding the eyes. Only leave the treatment on your face for 10 to 20 minutes, as it might harden and become difficult to remove.

Lemon Juice

A lemon a day can keep acne away. Lemon juice, a natural antibacterial and exfoliating agent, can improve your acne inexpensively in just 14 days. After cleansing your face thoroughly, squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a small jar or bowl. Place two or three cotton balls into the juice, and allow them to soak up the juice. Generously dab the soaked cotton balls onto your blemishes. Allow the juice to dry for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash your face with cool water.

Toothpaste and Ice

Toothpaste offers an affordable remedy for controlling acne inflammation, according to Acnetalks.com. Smooth white toothpaste onto your pimples before going to sleep at night. Rubbing ice onto your acne before retiring does the trick even more cheaply.

Witch Hazel and Calamine Lotion

This easy homemade treatment assists in eradicating blemishes from your acne-prone skin. Wash your face thoroughly and towel dry. Pour 2 oz. of calamine lotion into a small glass jar. Gradually pour 2 oz. of witch hazel into the jar. Do not stir or shake the ingredients. You want the calamine lotion to lay at the bottom of the jar, with the witch hazel floating above it. Soak a cotton swab into the bottom-most layer of calamine lotion, and apply the lotion onto your pimples and whiteheads. Allot one hour for the treatment to dry on your face, and then wash it off with warm water.

According to Heath911.com, a website for folk remedies, witch hazel behaves as a toner and zit zapper, while calamine lotion eliminates excess oil secretion and reduces bacteria. Expect visible results in 15 days.