Home Remedies With Witch Hazel to Clear Acne

Acne, a general term for pimples, pustules, whiteheads, blackheads and cysts, is a condition caused by bacteria, dead skin cells and an overproduction of sebum, or oil secretions, according to the Mayo Clinic. While basic cleansing of the skin to eliminate blemishes yields significant results, mild to moderate acne may benefit from using home remedies with witch hazel as a component. Witch hazel is believed to tighten pores, promote healing of the skin, and fight skin inflammation.

Witch Hazel and Rubbing Alcohol

Target your acne with a witch hazel and rubbing alcohol home remedy recommended by homeremediesacne.org. Cleanse your face thoroughly and pat dry. Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and witch hazel. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and generously dab your facial blemishes. Allow the liquid to dry on your face for 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

This zit zapper concoction yields results in two to three weeks, as both the witch hazel and rubbing alcohol act as astringents, shrinking pimples and tightening pores.

Witch Hazel and Calamine Lotion

This simple and inexpensive homemade witch hazel and calamine lotion acne remedy will also help to banish blemishes from your skin. Cleanse your face with soap and water and pat dry. Pour two oz. of pink calamine lotion into a baby food jar. Without stirring or shaking the contents, gently pour two ounces of witch hazel into the mixture so that the pink calamine lotion rests at the bottom of the jar and the witch hazel floats on top. Insert a cotton swab into the layer of calamine lotion and dab the lotion onto to your acne blemishes. Allow the mixture to dry for one hour, then wash your face with warm water.

As per Health911.com, the witch hazel component acts to tone the skin and shrink blemishes. Calamine lotion dries excess sebum and fights to reduce acne-causing bacteria. Visible results will occur in two weeks.

Witch Hazel and Mouthwash

Reduce oil secretion by applying this homemade astringent directly to your skin. Combine equal parts of witch hazel and any brand of mouthwash found in your medicine cabinet. Soak cotton balls in the mixture and dab on your face, paying special attention to the forehead, nose and chin. Wipe clean with warm water after 30 minutes.

As per “The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies,” witch hazel inhibits oil buildup and refreshes the pores, while mouthwash provides antiseptic properties.