Vitamins That Help Nails Grow

Fingernails, like hair, are composed of keratin. Fingernails rely on the same nutrients as hair for growth. Using the right vitamins aids fingernail growth and ensures strong, healthy and attractive nails. There are several vitamins that you can use along with proper nail maintenance to ensure robust nail growth.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important nutrient for healthy skin, hair and nails that helps the immune system function properly. However, it can be toxic in large quantities; an overdose can cause skin damage, brittle or weak bones, fatigue and vomiting. Before exceeding 600 micrograms—the maximum U.S. recommended daily allowance of vitamin A—consult a physician.

B Vitamins

The online Nutritional Supplement Education Centre lists water-soluble B vitamins as important to cell metabolism. The B vitamins that are most important to fingernail growth are: vitamin B1, or thiamine, which helps the body process protein, fat and carbohydrates; vitamin B2, or riboflavin, which converts carbohydrates into fuel and activates vitamin B6 and folic acid; vitamin B5, or panthotenic acid, helps the body get energy from fats, synthesizes cholesterol, and helps activate adrenal glands; vitamin B9, or folate, helps the body to produce red blood cells; and vitamin B6, which regulates moods and mental processes by helping to form neurotransmitters, dopamine, hormones, melatonin and serotonin.

Vitamin C

This water-soluble antioxidant contributes to the general health of nails and helps the body produce collagen. It also contributes to healing, rebuilding of damaged cells, general detoxification of the body and increased blood circulation, which aids in hair and fingernail growth according to Holistic Online.

Vitamin E

Holistic Online also lists Vitamin E as helpful in increasing the uptake of oxygen into cells, increasing circulation and encouraging stronger nails. Vitamin E also boosts the activity level of the immune system and combats bacteria and infections that might damage or hinder the growth of nails.