The Best Home Remedies for Acne Scar Spots on the Face

Acne scars are the source of low self-esteem for many, especially those that appear on the face. Acne scars are usually the result of cystic acne, the most severe form of this skin condition. Cysts result from bacterial infections below the skin’s surface, which can be red, painful and filled with pus. Attempting to relieve the pressure of these cysts and of milder forms of acne such as blackheads and whiteheads can lead to scarring. Home remedies may help to get rid of your acne scar spots. However, you should consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis prior to using any home treatments. Unfortunately, only physicians can perform treatments for severe scarring.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is the main ingredient in many scar-healing lotions. When using a Vitamin E lotion on your face, be cautious of the other ingredients in the lotion. If it is oil-based, it can clog pores and cause new acne and even more scars to form. Always test new products on a small patch of skin, like behind the ear, before applying to your face to determine if you’ll have a negative reaction. There is no overnight cure for scarring, so multiple applications will be required.

Microdermabrasion Kits

Dermabrasion works by removing the top layer of the skin with a rotating wire brush. Microdermabrasion is a milder, at-home version of dermabrasion, using crystals to scrape at the skin instead of a brush. Make sure your skin is clean before beginning treatments. Keep in mind that your skin will require repeated treatments before you notice your scars starting to fade. Dr. Andrew Weil warns these remedies can leave the skin red and irritated and even peeling for several days following treatment.

Wait It Out

Some acne scars aren’t scars at all; merely the red inflammation left behind from an old blemish. If left alone, these spots tend to disappear on their own within a year’s time. You can speed up the fading process by wearing an oil-free sunscreen every day, according to AcneNet.

Prevention As Cure

The best home remedy for acne scarring is prevention, according to the Mayo Clinic. Don’t pick at your acne, and be diligent in treating and preventing it by using proper hygiene, wearing sunscreen and seeking dermatological help should severe acne form.