What Are the Benefits of a Body Massage?

Massage has many benefits for the body and mind. Massage therapy is generally available in spas, gyms and some chiropractic practices. Many therapists also have private practices of their own. Whether you choose to seek professional massage therapy or have a partner or friend perform the work, getting a massage is time well spent.

Stress and Anxiety

Massage is a very effective tool for stress relief, as massage naturally raises the level of serotonin, a feel-good chemical, in the body. The Mayo Clinic reports that massage is also useful for managing depression and anxiety disorders. Getting massaged can also improve sleep and give the recipient more energy during the day.


Tension headaches can often be relieved by receiving a massage of the head, neck and shoulders. Before reaching for the painkillers, ask a friend or spouse to gently rub and squeeze those areas. Migraine sufferers can also experience some relief from massage.


Massage in the later months of pregnancy can go a long way toward easing the stress of impending childbirth and parenthood, as well as soothing the sore muscles of the low back and legs, common complaints of women in late pregnancy. However, keep in mind that massage is not recommended in the first trimester. When scheduling a massage during pregnancy, make sure to ask the practitioner if she has specialized training in pregnancy massage.

Aches and Pains

Sore and stiff muscles from poor posture and overuse can be helped with massage. People with injuries may also find massage helpful. For injuries such as a bone break or sprain, consult a doctor before seeking a massage. Also, if the injury is a burn or involves broken skin, allow the area to heal before getting a massage.

Premature Babies

According to Massagetherapy.com, massage can help the growth and weight gain of preterm infants. This massage can easily be done by parents even while the child is still hospitalized; a light touch is all that’s needed.

Blood Pressure

Massage can lower diastolic blood pressure in people who suffer from high blood pressure. It is also good for high blood pressure patients in that massage lowers anxiety and stress, both of which can make a blood pressure problem worse. If lying flat during a massage makes you feel lightheaded or dizzy, be sure to tell your practitioner so that your position can be adjusted accordingly.