Health Benefits of a Massage

Massage therapy uses the manipulation of muscles and soft tissue to relieve tension. Massage also is useful in helping to relieve pain, lower blood pressure and even improve sleeping patterns. Always use a licensed massage therapist who is trained in how to manipulate your body properly without damaging it.

Lower Blood Pressure

For people who suffer from high blood pressure, combining massage and blood pressure medication can help to control this serious condition. However, it is important to always speak with your physician if you are considering using massage to help control blood pressure, because it may be contraindicated if you are suffering from another serious illness, such as cancer or diabetes. Massage helps to improve circulation and relieve stress, but it also benefits people who suffer from edema (fluid retention). According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, massage therapy can help the lymphatic system function better by draining the lymph nodes, reducing the fluid that is retained.

Back Pain Relief

Massage therapy also can be valuable for people who suffer from chronic back pain. In fact, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, massage can help to prevent short- and long-term back problems. Massage stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain and helps to reduce the levels of stress hormones.


Insomnia is a common problem for many people. According to the Lakeside School of Massage Therapy, massage can improve sleep quality by helping to relieve stress and tension. Getting a massage just before bed works the best.